Features and Improvements
- GIC: Added support for the TPL-007.1 geomagnetic scaling function
- Transient Stability: Added AC1C transient Stability Model
- Transient Stability: Added AC2C transient Stability Model
- Transient Stability: Added AC3C transient Stability Model
- Transient Stability: Added AC4C transient Stability Model
- Transient Stability: Added AC6C transient Stability Model
- Transient Stability: Added the ability to specify the TSDistGenMVABase with a Load, LoadModelGroup, Bus, Owner, Zone or Area. The MVABase then assumed for the Load Distributed Generation model will be the TSDistGenMVABase associated with the object from which the Load is inheriting it's model. Thus if the Owner object has a Load Distributed Gen model, the Owner object's TSDistGenMVABase will be used. The exception to this is that any Load object that has a TSDistGenMVABase specified will automatically use that MVABase regardless of where the model is inherited from.
- Transient Stability: Added fields on a Bus, Area, Zone and Owner object to show the presently assigned Load Distributed Generation model name.
- Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): Fixed an access violation error caused when calling the new ObjectFieldsInputDialog() script command.
- File Formats: When writing the SEQ data, if a tertiary winding was not specified for a three-winding transformer an error would occur. This has been fixed.
- GIC: Fixed column headers for Branch fields "Low R Per Distance" and "Custom DC Resistance" which were interchanged.
- GIC: Fixed bug in writing *.gic files and adding more digits for the transformer winding resistance output.
- Integrated Topology Processing (ITP): The interaction of breaker configurations and generators on remote regulation could cause power flow numerical difficulties. Checks have been added to fix these numerical problems.
- Oneline Diagrams: This fixes the access violation that occurs when using Find Areva Oneline in floating windows mode when the oneline viewer isn't open.
- Power Flow Solution: PowerWorld performs a remote regulation viability check with generator objects and does not attempt to regulate a voltage if it is impossible to do so. This check has been expanded to include continuous switched shunts and SVCs.
- PV and QV Curve (PVQV) Tool: "Maximum Transfer" will be reported as the critical scenario even if the step size has been reduced because the transfer ramping fails in the base case when studying a contingency that failed to solve. Previously, this was always being reported as "Reached Nose in Base Case".
- PV and QV Curve (PVQV) Tool: The "Reached Nose in Base Case" critical scenario can be encountered if the transfer ramping in the base case fails AFTER a contingency has failed to solve and the analysis is being done on this failed contingency. This scenario should only result if the solution continues to fail due to base case ramping and the contingency does not fail. As soon as the contingency fails during this process this result is no longer valid. This has been fixed so that this result will not be reported if the contingency fails.
- Transient Stability: After loading a REPC_A or REPC_B model it was possible for an access violation to occur when closing the case or deleting objects references by the REPC_A/REPC_B model. This has been fixed.
- Transient Stability: Fixed bug that could occur when reading a DYD record which had an ID specified as a blank by using consecutive "" characters.
- Transient Stability: During initialization OEL1 objects were indicating that they were resetting. This wasn't impacting the simulation but was confusing and has been removed.
- User Interface Dialogs: Added option to abort multiple TLR sensitivity calculation on error. Previously, the error message was shown with an "Ok" button, forcing the user to click ok for each error. If there were many errors, this could be time consuming.