Features and Improvements
- Case Information Displays: When adding new columns to a Case Information Display from Fields Pane or the Display/Column Options dialog, we now have internal defaults for the decimal places to show for some fields. In the past the Fields Pane would always add field with 3 decimals and the dialog would always add decimals based on the presently selected column in the dialog. It will now always use 3 decimal places unless there is a hard-coded different number specified by PowerWorld staff. For now this hard-coded list is small and consists of
Latitude, Longitude, and Per Unit volt field: 6 decimals
Various MW, Mvar, and MVA fields: 2 decimals.
This is cosmetic as it only impacts the default value when adding fields in the user interface. The user can and always has been able to customize them. This was primarily done to ensure the Latitude/Longitude fields always had 6 decimals by default as the prior default of 3 decimals was not precise enough. - File Formats: Fixed bug in reading back in TSB files saved starting with the June 4, 2024 patch.
- Sensitivity Calculations: Fixed potential access violation when doing multiple-direction PTDF calculations.
- Transient Stability: Fixed a bug when writing the REGC_B model to a PSSE DYR file. When the REGC_B model is referencing a generator with no active machine models it was creating an access violation. That issue is now fixed.