Features and Improvements
- File Formats: Added ability to read/write the FuelType from the EPC file format. The integer codes in the EPC format are based on the WECC Data Preparation manual.
- File Formats: When writing out the ESURRY (exac1m in a DYD file) or REPC_C models to a PWB file these PWB files could be ready by patch versions of Simulator 22 from October 13, 2021 and later. However, when loading these PWB files into a patch of PowerWorld Simulator from October 6, 2021 or earlier the PWB file would fail to read. Todays patch fixes this so the PWBs written can be read by older versions of Simulator without trouble.
- Transient Stability: When writing out the ESURRY (exac1m in a DYD file) or REPC_C models to a PWB file these PWB files could be ready by patch versions of Simulator 22 from October 13, 2021 and later. However, when loading these PWB files into a patch of PowerWorld Simulator from October 6, 2021 or earlier the PWB file would fail to read. Todays patch fixes this so the PWBs written can be read by older versions of Simulator without trouble.