Features and Improvements
- Power Flow Solution: Improved how bus voltages are estimated when particular types of topology changes are made. In particular, when deleting objects that affect topology (Bus, Branch, Gen, and Load), it was important to update the connected bus topology so that buses that are then in disconnected islands are marked as such. Then if new branches are added to reconnect these buses, the reconnected buses need new voltages estimates based on the new connections before a power flow solution is attempted. This greatly improved power flow performance under these situations
- User Interface Dialogs: When showing a transient stability plot, if the there were already plots open and the form that contained the plots was minimized then the newly created plot would be added to the minimized form and it was difficult for the user to realize the plot had been generated. Now when generating a plot we force the existing form showing plots to become un-minimized to you can see the plot immediately.
- Transient Stability: The SCL input flag was missing from the input parameters of exciter model ST5C and ST6C, and the SCL signal input was not implemented for the simulation. ST6C_PTI was implemented correctly. The SCL input parameter has now been added, along with using the SCL signal during the simulation. Autocorrection for SCL + Exciter compatibility, and modification of SCL limits during initial limit violations is now supported for exciter models ST5C, ST6C and ST6C_PTI.
- Transient Stability: When writing REPC_A, REPC_B or REPC_C generator plant controller models, PowerWorld Simulator will not write the Voltage Measurement bus to the header of the DYD file even if the voltage measurement is the same as the terminal bus. Previously it was writing ! ! ! instead.