Software Patches

July 29, 2024

Bug Fixes

  • Contingency Analysis: After aborting a contingency analysis run, the user may choose to restart the run by clicking 'Start Run'. Doing this will prompt the user about whether to restart the run entirely or start from the last solved contingency, keeping the results already in memory. If a user closed this dialog without making a selection, then the contingency analysis would proceed with default options. This has been fixed so that closing the dialog via the 'x' will cancel the operation and the contingency analysis will not proceed. There are two dialogs affected by this change. One is shown when there are no 'SKIP=YES' contingencies. The other is shown when there are no skipped contingencies. They differ in the option to clear results for only 'SKIP=NO' records.
  • Contingency Analysis: Added ability to handle a cancel on the 'Control Contingency Combination Run' dialog that is shown if a primary contingency is flagged as SKIP=YES. The dialog allows the user to choose if all results are cleared or only the results for SKIP == NO records. If the user clicks the windows close "x", then nothing will happen -- the run is not started. Previously, the run would start with default options.