Features and Improvements
- Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): added support for filtering across objecttypes for the BalancingAuthority objects. This impacts the following objects: Bus, Gen, Load, Shunt, Branch, DCTransmissionLine, VSCDCLine, Zone, Area, SuperArea, Substation, SuperBus, Subnet, ReactiveCapability, 3WXFormer, MultiSectionLine objects.
- Case Information Displays: added support for filtering across objecttypes for the BalancingAuthority objects. This impacts the following objects: Bus, Gen, Load, Shunt, Branch, DCTransmissionLine, VSCDCLine, Zone, Area, SuperArea, Substation, SuperBus, Subnet, ReactiveCapability, 3WXFormer, MultiSectionLine objects.
- Case Information Displays: Modified so that one can edit the intermediate bus numbers of MultiSectionLine objects while in Edit Mode directly on the fields shown the intermediate bus numbers on the MSLine case information display.
- Difference Case Tool: Added support for Present Topological Differences from Base Case tool for Load Model Groups and VSC DC Lines. Also cleaned up some things with LimitSet and VoltageControlGroups.
- Difference Case Tool: Added storage of RatingSetNameBranch, RatingSetNameBus, and RatingSetNameInterface to the Difference Case Tool.
- Difference Case Tool: Also modified to ensure that all case information displays appear with a light yellow background when in Difference or Base Case Mode in the Difference Case Tool
- File Formats: Modified to initialize the generator field EnforceMWLimits for all the various file types. Previously this was handled for RAW and EPC files, but it really needed to be handled for hdbexport CSV, MatPower, UCTE, Siemens, IPF etc. as well. Now after reading all non-PowerWorld file formats any generator that meets both of the following criteria will enforce be set to EnforceMWLimits = NO.
1. Generator is online (both CLOSED and attached to a connected bus)
2. Generator is more than 5 MWs outside of it's limits: [MW < (MWMin - 0.5] OR [MW > (MWMax + 0.5)]
The thinking is that if the generator is clearly outside its limits then limit enforcement is not expected. The 0.5 MW tolerance is used to bias the decision to continue enforcing MW limits. - Transient Stability: Improving plotting Zone 1 in DistRelay.
- Difference Case Tool: Fixed error in determining the difference for InterfaceElement's that refer to another interface and PartPoint's that refer to another InjectionGroup.
- Transient Stability: Fixed bug with TGOV2 and TGOV3 in which the fastvalving function was continuing to increase.
- Transient Stability: Fixed a bug in DistRelay when Rr = 0 it was not creating a zone to protect regardless that Wt was not zero.