Bug Fixes
- Case Information Displays: Fixed bug in showing super area OPFReferenceObject field in the case information display.
- Case Information Displays: Contact, Phone, Email, Company, and Location information for a Data Maintainer can now be set back to blank once they have been specified.
- General: Dynamic Formatting and Data Check objects allow picking Transformer as an Object Type to include in the formatting or checking. This will no longer be allowed. Transformers are just a special kind of Branch and now the Branch object type will need to be used to represent Transformers. Dynamic Formats or Data Checks using the Transformer type will be deleted when loading a PWB or auxiliary file with this type.
- General: User Defined Case Information displays can no longer be created for Transformer object type. The Branch object type will need to be used instead. When loading a PWB file or auxiliary file, a Transformer User Defined Case Information display will be converted to a Branch type.
- General: AUX Export Format Descriptions can no longer be specified to save out the Transformer object type. The Branch object type will need to be used instead. When loading a PWB file or auxiliary file with an export format that includes the Transformer object type, this object type will be converted to Branch.