Features and Improvements
- Transient Stability: When selecting a Transient Contingency to Skip the entire row fields will grays out. This will help the user visually identify the skipped contingencies.
- Difference Case Tool: When choosing to Set Present as BaseCase, VSCDCLine objects were not properly storing the ownership designations in the BaseCase. This means they always showed BaseCase ownership as empty strings, which meant that the difference case always showed a change in ownership.
- Transient Stability: Fixed a bug with SimAuto function TSGetContingencyResults. If the case was storing the results into Hard Drive the function wasn't returning any results. That problem is fixed and now it will return the requested results.
- Transient Stability: Fixed a bug when Calculating Effective Impedance from Sequence Networks in the transient stability event for buses and branches. The issue is when the Ymatrix created with the sequence data is singular then it was creating an infinite impedance causing the simulation to stop. This has been fixed.