Bug Fixes
- General: Alerts for new patches will now be tied directly to the last build date, rather than to the last patch description posted.
- Transient Stability: Set the parameter order the same as PSS/E for Exciter AC8C.
- Transient Stability: Set the parameter order the same as PSS/E for Exciter AC9C.
- Transient Stability: In order versions of AC11C the parameter SW1 was initialized incorrectly and not to the current value of SW1.
- Transient Stability: TS Model OEL2C is now more robust for all possible situations during initialization.
- Transient Stability: Correctly write and read parameters to match PSS/E for Exciters DC1C, DC2C and ST1C. Reorder parameters to match PSS/E for exciter DC4C.
- Transient Stability: Added Exciters ST5C and ST7C to be read and written in PSS/E format.