Features and Improvements
- Help: Contingency Element Status updates for TOPOLOGYCHECK
- Transient Stability: Support new contingency types DB (delete bus), MBL (modify bus load), and RL (reinstate lines) in WECC switch files.
- User Interface Dialogs: Updates to D-FACTS objects.
- User Interface Dialogs: Edit boxes that have up/down arrows will automatically increase the number of digits to ensure that at least 2 significant digits are shown.
- User Interface Dialogs: Added the ability to use dynamic formatting on any case information display.
- User Interface Dialogs: Added the Type field to Scheduled Actions to indicate the type of outage: transmission, generator, or generator adjustment.
- Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): Fixed a bug in the Scale script command that would not scale properly if scaling based on MW, Mvar.
- Available Transfer Capability (ATC) Tool: When using a power flow case with multiple islands, OTDF values for branches not contained in the "main" island were not properly calculated. The "main" island is defined to be the one with the most buses. This has been fixed.
- Contingency Analysis: TOPOLOGYCHECK actions will now be checked as part of the POSTCHECK solution if they have not already been applied. This will be done even if there are no POSTCHECK actions. They will also be checked again in the TOPOLOGYCHECK section if any POSTCHECK/TOPOLOGYCHECK actions are applied in the POSTCHECK section.
- File Formats: When saving out a version 17 case in previous PWB formats, an error could occur when attempting to load the file in older versions of Simulator. This would occur if transient stability load model groups were defined and load characteristic models were assigned to the load model groups. This has been fixed.
- Help: Specifying a path with spaces in it for the help file would not work. This has been fixed.
- Power Flow Solution: Magnetizing conductance for transformers and conductance for lines were not properly being accounted for when solving the dc power flow using island based AGC with an injection group. This would cause the system slack to keep increasing by the amount of conductance. This was fixed by including conductance values as part of the shunt values reported for islands, areas, and the case when in dc power flow mode.
- Sensitivity Calculations: Fixed a problem with TLR calculations when choosing the Slack as the transactor. Previously, the slack was determined from the island with the most buses. If the line or interface was not in the main island, no results were calculated. Now the slack is based on the island in which the line or interface is contained.
- Transient Stability: When saving out a version 17 case in previous PWB formats, an error could occur when attempting to load the file in older versions of Simulator. This would occur if transient stability load model groups were defined and load characteristic models were assigned to the load model groups. This has been fixed.
- Transient Stability: Removed logging of initial limit violation for GGOV1 regarding fsrt. This represents one of three inputs into a low value select block and it is not uncommon for the limit to be exceed in the steady state solution, thus logging the violation is unnecessary.