Features and Improvements
- Contingency Analysis Tool: When using a Model Expression or Field to determine the Amount for the Action Type of a contingency action, a new option to Evaluate in the REference State has been added. When this option is in use the Amount will be determined from the reference state rather than the present contingency state.
- Contingency Analysis Tool: A new option is available with Model Conditions to Disable if Condition is True in Contingency Reference State. A Model Filter will be disabled if all of its conditions are using this option and they evaluate to true in the contingency reference state. A Model Criteria that uses a Model Condition or Model Filter that has been disabled will not cause a contingency action to be implemented. A Model Filter will ignore any Model Conditions that have been disabled.
- Contingency Analysis Tool: A new contingency action Status, TOPOLOGYCHECK, has been added. Any Model Criteria using this status will be evaluated, and if true the action will be implemented, after any CHECK actions and unconditional actions have been implemented but before the power flow is solved.
Contingency Analysis: DC Converter contingency actions have been added. - File Formats: Modified to add additional branch labels when reading Areva CSV file.
- General: Model Expressions now allow the use of Model Conditions and Model Filters.
- User Interface Dialogs: Allow voltage profile viewing of branches identified as breakers.
- File Formats: Modified the EPC version 18 format written from Simulator to more closely match the PSLF EPC written format.
- General: When double-clicking on a PWB file and opening Simulator, Simulator would fail to open a file if the filename contained successive spaces. This problem can be fixed by reinstalling Simulator from the installation file provided with the latest patch.
- Power Flow Solution: Fixed some errors that could occur when using line tapping in conjunction with lines marked as any of the zero impedance device types such as Breaker, Disconnect, ZBR, etc.
- Simulator Automation Server (SimAuto): Fixed an access violation that could occur when using the SimAuto function TSGetContingencyResults. This bug might simply cause an application to freeze or cause an error.
- Transient Stability: Fixed an access violation that could occur when using the SimAuto function TSGetContingencyResults. This bug might simply cause an application to freeze or cause an error.