Software Patches

February 8, 2024

Features and Improvements

  • Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): Added a new script command that adds one or multiple plot series to a new or existing plot definition
    TSPlotSeriesAdd("PlotName", SubPlotNum, AxisGroupNum, ObjectType, FieldType, "Filter", "Attributes");
    This command adds one or multiple plot series to a new or existing plot definition
    "PlotName" : A string to specify a certain plot
    SubPlotNum : A positive integer to specify a certain subplot of a plot
    AxisGroupNum : A positive integer to specify to a certain subplot of a subplot
    ObjectType : Specifies which objects to set. The ObjectType is the object name of supported objects such as GEN, BUS, BRANCH, etc
    FieldName : Specified a transient stability field name that can be plotted
    "Filter" : (optional) Only objects that meet the specified filter will be included. See the Using Filters in Script Commands section for more information on specifying the filtername
    "Attributes" : (optional) A comma-delimited list of other attributes for the PlotSeries. Blank by default just uses the defaults for a new PlotSeries
    A couple examples are
    TSPlotSeriesAdd("Gen 2 1 | Rotor Angle", 1, 1, Gen, TSRotorAngle, "Gen 2 1");
    TSPlotSeriesAdd("Area 2 buses", 1, 1, Bus, TSVpu, "Area 2", "ValueType=Actual Deviation, LineDashed=Dot");
  • File Formats: When writing the end of some section in a RAW file we were writing a ' 0' (space before the 0). This was causing a problem in other 3rd party software tools, so we have removed the space as it was not necessary.
  • Transient Stability: Added a new script command that adds one or multiple plot series to a new or existing plot definition
    TSPlotSeriesAdd("PlotName", SubPlotNum, AxisGroupNum, ObjectType, FieldType, "Filter", "Attributes");
    This command adds one or multiple plot series to a new or existing plot definition
    "PlotName" : A string to specify a certain plot
    SubPlotNum : A positive integer to specify a certain subplot of a plot
    AxisGroupNum : A positive integer to specify to a certain subplot of a subplot
    ObjectType : Specifies which objects to set. The ObjectType is the object name of supported objects such as GEN, BUS, BRANCH, etc
    FieldName : Specified a transient stability field name that can be plotted
    "Filter" : (optional) Only objects that meet the specified filter will be included. See the Using Filters in Script Commands section for more information on specifying the filtername
    "Attributes" : (optional) A comma-delimited list of other attributes for the PlotSeries. Blank by default just uses the defaults for a new PlotSeries
    A couple examples are
    TSPlotSeriesAdd("Gen 2 1 | Rotor Angle", 1, 1, Gen, TSRotorAngle, "Gen 2 1");
    TSPlotSeriesAdd("Area 2 buses", 1, 1, Bus, TSVpu, "Area 2", "ValueType=Actual Deviation, LineDashed=Dot");