Software Patches

February 22, 2011

Features and Improvements

  • Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): New script command called.
    which uses the AutoInsertBordersOptions object to set the options.
  • Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): New script command called.
    AutoInsertBuses(Location Source,Map Projection, AutoInsertBranches, InsertIfNotAlreadyShown, “FileName”, FileCoordinates);
    Location Source – "Bus","Substation", "File"
    Map Projection – "Simple Conic", "Mercator", "x,y"
    AutoInsertBranches – YES or NO if transmission lines should be inserted when finished
    InsertOnlyIfNotAlreadyShown – YES if only buses that are not already shown should be inserted, NO if all buses should be inserted
    "FileName" – optional if Location Source is File. File containing the bus locations.
    File Coordinates – optional if Location Source is File. "x,y" or "lon,lat"
  • Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): New script command called.
    AutoInsertLoads(MinkV, InsertTextFields, InsertEquivObjects);
    minKV = Minimum KV Level | Default Value = 0
    InsertTextfields = optional field regarding whether to insert Text Fields | Default Value = Yes
    InsertEquivObjects = optional field regarding whether to insert Equivalenced Objects | Default Value = Yes
  • Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): New script command called.
    minKV = Minimum KV Level | Default Value = 0
    InsertTextfields = optional field regarding whether to insert Text Fields | Default Value = Yes
  • Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): New script command called.
    AutoInsertSwitchedShunts(MinkV, InsertTextFields);
    minKV = Minimum KV Level | Default Value = 0
    InsertTextfields = optional field regarding whether to insert Text Fields | Default Value = Yes
  • Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): New script command called.
    AutoInsertLines(MinkV, InsertTextFields, InsertEquivObjects, InsertZBRPieCharts, InsertMSLines, ZBRImpedance, NoStubsZBRs, SingleCBZBRs);
    minKV = optional field for Minimum KV Level | Default Value = 0
    InsertTextfields = optional field regarding whether to Insert Text Fields | Default Value = Yes
    InsertEquivObject = optional field regarding whether to Insert Equivalenced Objects | Default Value = Yes
    InsertZBRPieCharts = optional field regarding whether to Insert pie chasrt for lines with no limit and bus ties | Default Value = No
    InsertMSLines = optional field regarding whether to Insert Multi Section Lines | Default Value = Yes
    ZBRImpedance = optional field regarding whether to Maximum P.U. Impedance for Bus Ties | Default Value = 0.0001
    NoStubsZBRs = optional field regarding whether to Do not Insert Stubs for bus ties | Default Value = Yes
    SingleCBZBRs = optional field regarding whether to Only Insert a single circuit breaker | Default Value = Yes
  • Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): New script command called.
    AutoInsertLineFlowObjects(MinkV, InsertOnlyIfNotAlreadyShown, LineLocation, Size, FieldDigits, FieldDecimals, TextPosition, ShowMW, ShowMvar, ShowMVA, ShowUnits, ShowComplex);
    minKV Minimum KV level | Default Value = 0
    InsertOnlyIfNotAlreadyShown = optional field regarding whether to insert if Existing line flow object exist, do not auto insert new ones
    LineLocation = optional field regarding whether to Where to insert flow objects : 0 - Middle, 1 - 10%/90%, 2 - After Stubs
    Size = optional field for Size | Default Value = 5.0
    Fielddigits = optional field for Total Field in Digits | Default Value = 6
    FieldDecimals = optional field for Digits to right of decimal | Default Value = 2
    Textposition = optional field for Flow Text position above: Yes - above, No – below | Default Value = Yes
    Showmw = optional field for Show MW | Default Value = Yes
    Showmvar = optional field for Show Mvar | Default Value = Yes
    Showmva = optional field for Show MVA | Default Value = Yes
    Showsuffix = optional field for Show Units | Default Value = Yes
    Showcomplex = optional field for Show Complex (MW + jMvar) | Default Value = No
  • Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): New script command called.
    AutoInsertSubstations(Location Source,Map Projection, AutoInsertBranches, InsertIfNotAlreadyShown, “FileName”, FileCoordinates);
    Location Source – "Substation", "File"
    Map Projection – "Simple Conic", "Mercator", "x,y"
    AutoInsertBranches – YES or NO if transmission lines should be inserted when finished
    InsertOnlyIfNotAlreadyShown – YES if only substations that are not already shown should be inserted, NO if all substations should be inserted
    "FileName" – optional if Location Source is File. File containing the substation locations.
    File Coordinates – optional if Location Source is File. "x,y" or "lon,lat"
  • Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): New script command called.
    AutoInsertLineFlowPieCharts(MinkV, InsertOnlyIfNotAlreadyShown, InsertMSLines, Size);
    minKV Minimum KV level | Default Value = 0
    Size = optional field for Size | Default Value = 5.0
    InsertOnlyIfNotAlreadyShown = optional field for If existing line flow objects exist, do not auto insert new ones | Default Value = Yes
    InsertMSLines = optional field for Insert Multi-Section Line Flow Objects if applicable | Default Value = Yes
  • Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): New script command called.
    AutoInsertInterfaces(InsertPieCharts, PieChartSize);
    InsertPieCharts = optional field for Insert pie Charts on Interfaces | Default Value = Yes
    PieChartSize = optional field for Default Size of interface Pie Charts | Default Value = 50.0
    Note: Only creates for interfaces that contain an Area to Area element or a Zone to Zone Element
  • Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): New script command called.
    ZBRImpedance = optional field for Max P.U. Impedance for Bus Ties | Default Value = 0.0001
    NoStubsZBRs = optional field for Do not insert stubs for bus ties | Default Value = Yes
  • Sensitivity Calculations: Added interface fields for showing the LODF and the Post-CTG MW flow (after Line outage) values similar to those presently available for a branch.
  • Transient Stability: Added full integration support for the ST7B and ESST7B exciters.
  • Bug Fixes

    • Transient Stability: Added proper implementation of the fVltFlg=1 for the WT3E1 wind turbine electrical controls