Software Patches

February 11, 2021

Features and Improvements

  • Available Transfer Capability (ATC) Tool: A new script command has been added to delete an index range of the ATCGeneratorChange or ATCInterfaceChange or ATCLineChange numeric changes
    ATCDeleteScenarioChangeIndexRange(Type, [Integer Range]);
    Type: can be either RL, G, or I
    [Integer Range]: inside brackets specify syntax for a comma-delimited list of integer ranges.
    Example: ATCDeleteScenarioChangeIndexRange(RL, [0-2, 5, 7-9]);
    This would remove the respective changes by index. Remember that these indices start from 0.
  • Bug Fixes

    • User Interface Dialogs: Fixed error in the parameter order for Exciter DC3A. During the simulation the parameter order was correct but not in the GUI or the Model Explorer. All of these was fixed.
    • User Interface Dialogs: When closing in a synchronous machine during a transient stability run an infinite loop could occur. This has been fixed.
    • User Interface Dialogs: Fixed a sign error in the ST6B and ST7B exciter models for the input of the OEL signal. The IEEE standard had a sign error in the block diagram that we incorrectly copied.