Features and Improvements
- Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): Modified to make the generator field UnitTypeEPC an enterable integer field.
- Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): Minor edits to remove the "EPCDateIn" and "EPCDateOut" field for a generator object. These are now handled by the "DateOperating" and "DateRetired" fields for a generator instead. Old AUX files using the legacy variable names GEDateIn, GEDateOut, EPCDateIn and EPCDateOut will read into these new fields.
- Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): Added a new script command
CustomFieldDescriptionModify(ObjectType, CustomType, Location, FieldString, HeaderString, IncludeInDiff);
*ObjectType : the object type
*CustomType: Either Integer, String or Floating Point
*Location: The location number of the custom field. Remember that "Custom Integer 2" corresponds to CustomInteger:1 and for that example you would use a Location of 1. Entering a negative value for Location will increment the present CustomMaxOfType by 1 for the present ObjectType/CustomType. If a location is chosen that is too large, then the CustomMaxOfType will be increased to accommodate the location.
*FieldString: String shown when field is displayed. Remember that a \ results subfolder being created under the Custom folder. Enter a value of "_same_" if you do not want to change the string.
*HeaderString: String shown in column headers in case information displays. Enter a value of "_same_" if you do not want to change the string.
*IncludeInDiff: Set to either YES, NO or "" where a blank indicates that the value is not changed. - Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): Added a new script command
CustomFieldDescriptionAppend(objecttype, CustomType, FieldString, HeaderString, IncludeInDiff);
This command behaves the same as calling ModifyCustomFieldDescription with a negative Location. This creates a new CustomFieldDescription by incrementing the CustomMaxOfType.