Features and Improvements
- Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): Replaced script command ConditionVoltagesOnRadialBuses added in the 12/9/13 patch with script command ConditionVoltagePockets(VoltageThreshold, AngleThreshold, Filter); This script command will cover the same situations as the previous script command in addition to other situations. It will identify pockets of buses bounded by branches that meet the condition that the absolute value of the voltage difference across the branch is greater than VoltageThreshold or the absolute value of the angle difference across the branch is greater than AngleThreshold and the branch meets the specified filter. The buses contained within these pockets will have their voltages estimated based on the assumption that the voltages at buses outside these pockets are good.
- Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): Allow special keywords @DATETIME, @DATE, @TIME, @BUILDDATE, and @VERSION to be used as part of the filename for SaveDataUsingExportFormat, SaveData, SaveDataWithExtra, SaveObjectFields, and WriteToTextFile script commands. These special keywords will be replaced with their actual values when the file is saved.