Features and Improvements
- Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): Modified the script command CalculateLODFMatrix() to add an optional sixth parameter for "FilterMonitorInterface". The syntax for this parameter is the same as FilterMonitor which defines the which Branch objects to monitor. FilterMonitorInterface will instead define which Interfaces to monitor and calculate LODFs on.
- Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): modified the script command SetCurrentDirectory() to support the special strings such as @MODELFIELD to specify a special string. Also added support so if the entire string matches the "&ObjectType Key1 Key2 variablename" syntax then it will use that as well.
- Transient Stability: When showing a hint or dialog showing information about a plot series on a transient stability plot, we previously would show the maximum and minimum Y value experienced by the plot series. We now also show the time (x-value) at which the maximum or minimum value are achieved.
- Transient Stability: Added a new model WTARA1. This has same features as WTGAR_A. Modified to read USRMDL WTARAU1 into the new model WTARA1
- Transient Stability: Modified to read USRMDL WTTQAU1 into the new model WTTQA1. Added a new model WTTQA1. This has same features as WTGTRQ_A.
- Transient Stability: Modified to read USRMDL WTPTAU1 into the new model WTPTA1
- Transient Stability: Added a new model WTDTA1. This has same features as WTGT_A
- File Formats: Fixed bug writing version 33 SEQ file. The CZ0 and CZG flags were not being written. Also The tertiary winding ground impedance was not being read correctly.
- General: For custom expressions, the ^ operator was defined incorrectly when the inputs were a floating point number as the base and an integer as the exponent. This is fixed.
- Oneline Diagrams: Fixed selection of oneline display objects. Under some circumstances, Simulator would select an object that should not have been selected when clicking on the oneline.
- Transient Stability: improving convergence for SVSMO3 models in network boundary equations
- Transient Stability: When running transient stability simulation for a large number of time steps (>10,000), when re-running the simulation the transient stability dialog would cause a large delay as various parts of the dialog were cleaning up memory associated with the time points. This delay has been fixed by improving how this memory is cleaned up.
- Transient Stability: When showing a transient stablity plot with a large number of time points, moving the mouse over the plot could make Simulator behave for sluggishly. This was caused by statistics being evaluated on the curve over which the mouse was hoving. This has been fixed.