Features and Improvements
- Oneline Diagrams: When choosing on a Memo Text oneline object to "Enable Load Memo Text as AUX file" there is now a new option available to "Immediately Load Memo Text on Run Mode Left-Click". Previously we always opened a popup menu when left-click on the Memo Text in Run Mode and you could then choose to the option from a drop-down. If you choose this option a left click will immediately load the contents of the Memo Text as an AUX file.
- Transient Stability: Added ability to translate the USRMDL ST4CU1 user-written model to the ST4C model when reading a DYR file.
- Transient Stability: Added ability to translate the USRMDL HYG3U1 user-written model to the HYG3 model when reading a DYR file.
- Transient Stability: Added ability to translate the USRMDL PSS2CU1 user-written model to the PSS2C model when reading a DYR file.
- Transient Stability: Exciter transient models AC7B and ESAC7B are now translated from PSSE (dyr) to PSLF (dyd) format and vice versa. Also exciter model EXST4B is now translated to PSSE ESST4B when creating a PSSE (dyr) file.
- Transient Stability: When using the script commands TSAutoCorrect or TSValidate to run transient stability model validation, the proper results are populated in Simulator and the use of SaveData() to write out "TSValidation" objects would work properly. However, even those these TSValidation results were in memory when opening the Transient Stability dialog they would not appear inside the dialog until after you had clicked the button to calculate them on that dialog. This has been changed so that if results existed when opening the dialog they can immediately be viewed.