Software Patches

August 6, 2024

Features and Improvements

  • Contingency Analysis Tool: Modified the field description for the Contingency field Solved to include references to the ABORTED, RESERVE_LIMITS, and PARTIAL possibilities
  • Bug Fixes

    • Contingency Analysis: There was an access violation that could occur when deleting a contingency record if there was a contingency combination violation associated with the contingency. This has been fixed.
    • Contingency Analysis: After aborting the ctg combo analysis. The status string would briefly say 'Aborted'. However, it would change to 'Finished' after a couple of seconds. I have updated the code so that the status is not changed to ctgsetstFinished at the end of CTGComboDoAnalysis. The form is refreshed perodicly by windows messages, so changing the status to ctgsetstFinished resulted in the text changing the next time the form was refreshed.
    • General: When communication with a hardware key is lost, we now check for a restored connection every 30 seconds during the 15 minute window before program termination. If they key is reconnected during that time, the program can continue to run uninterrupted.
    • Transient Stability: Fixed a bug when reading exciter models AC7C, AC8C, AC9C and DC4C from a dyr file. It was expecting an extra parameter that is not use in PSSE. Now the dyr is read and written out correctly from PowerWorld.
    • User Interface Dialogs: In the General File Browser the column metrics were not working when there was no case open yet.