Software Patches

August 31, 2016

Features and Improvements

  • Contingency Analysis Tool: Added a new dialog called the Dependency Explorer. This is available in 2 places
    1. Under the RAS + CTG Case Info menu in the Tools Ribbon Tab
    2. On the Contingency Analysis dialog under the Options tab.
    This dialog provides a very nice way to navigate through the dependencies that Contingency and RAS elements have with the various ModelFilter, ModelCondition, ModelFilterCondition, ModelConditionCondition, ModelExpression, Filter, Condition, and associated objects referenced by all of these. The user may also edit these various objects directly on the Dependency Explorer dialog. Finally, using a floating Drag/Drop editor window, ModelFilters can be built up graphically directly on a TreeView of these dependencies.
  • Transient Stability: Modified so that a TSContingency object can use a Calculated Field. It presently can only operate on the list of TSLimitViolation or the the TSResultEvent. As an example, this gives the user a way to get a count of the number of events that meet a filter on the TSContingency record
  • Bug Fixes

    • Contingency Analysis: When saving contingency settings to an Auxiliary File, if a ModelExpression referred to a CalculatedField index that did not exist an silent error occurred which resulted in the AUX file not being properly saved. This has been fixed.
    • File Formats: Fixed bug when reading hdbexport CSV file if an ND record ended up referring to an MNL record, but the MNL records VLIM pointer was 0. We were incorrectly assigning the limit group for the bus to the one associated with the last MONGRP read. MONGRPs represent limit groups fore branch records (LN, XF, ZBR). This has been fixed so that the bus is appropriately assigned to the default limit group.
    • File Formats: The August 22, 2016 patch included a fix to write out CNXA value of 0.000 to RAW 33 and 34 files. This fix was implemented incorrectly an the ", 0.000" was being written to the next line in the RAW file instead of to the end of the line. This was causing an incorrect RAW file to be written. This has now been fixed.