Bug Fixes
- File Formats: Added fixes for WECC switch file bugs. (1) TG record expected quotes around the generator ID. Simulator will now handle this field with or without the quotes. (2) MBL record expected quotes around the action type. Simulator will now handle this field with or without the quotes. (3) FL record was not reading the clear faults section. Now an open from and open to action are created at the clearfrom and clearto times. (4) Contingencies of the same name are now detected. When a collision is detected the last read record is kept. (5) The combo box at the top of the TS contingency dialog is now updated correctly with all contingencies.
- General: Fixed access violation that could occur when trying to delete a Model Expression that was using another Model Expression that had already been deleted. This would mostly occur when an entire case was being closed.
- Optimal Power Flow (OPF): When enforcing angle constraints, a second LP solution might be required to bring the angles within tolerance even though the constraints should have been enforceable with the first solution. This might occur if both the system slack and generators were being moved to enforce the constraints. This has been fixed.
- PV and QV Curve (PVQV) Tool: During a PV run Simulator tries to maintain the system slack bus so that it doesn't move from its original value. Slack error can accumulate over time due to the many power flow solutions performed as part of the PV run even if the slack remains within AGC tolerance on individual power flow solutions. This wasn't being handled correctly in some circumstances and the slack bus may have moved too far in the final result. This has been fixed.
- Transient Stability: MOdified WT1T to have its own MVA Base on which values are specified.
- Transient Stability: Added non-windup limit enforcement for Ki state in HYG3 model.
- Transient Stability: An error existed where the results returned by the TSGetResults script command and TSGetContingencyResults SimAuto function were off by one timestep. This has been fixed.
- Transient Stability: Default values were not correctly handled by the TSGetResults script command or the TSGetContingencyResults SimAuto function. This has been fixed.