Software Patches

August 22, 2024

Bug Fixes

  • Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): Fixed bug when ready the fields ControlType and IsXF for a branch in an AUX file. The bug was related to using an AUX file to change the IsXF field to NO for the purpose of converting a transformer to a branch.
  • Contingency Analysis: It was possible for contingency analysis to return that reserve limits had been hit when in fact they hadn't. This has been fixed.
  • Oneline Diagrams: Updated contour data symbols to work with all contour types, not just spatial data. Also, the spatial data layout has been improved.
  • Sensitivity Calculations: Fixed bug that could result in incorrect shift factor calculations when accounting for injections at buses that contain generators or loads that are part of outages in the interface and there were line outages also modeled as part of the interface.