Software Patches

August 19, 2022

Bug Fixes

  • Case Information Displays: Fixed access violation that would occur if the interface case information display is open and interfaces are deleted by loading an auxiliary file.
  • Transient Stability: Fixed a bug with the option "Show in Case Information Display" located in Transient Stability Plots tool. The table was showing empty if the data associated with the plot series was only saved in Hard Drive. Now it will ask the user if want to load the data from the Hard Drive. If Yes then the table will be created with the Hard Drive data.
  • Transient Stability: When pressing "Load from Hard Drive File into RAM results specified by Store to RAM Options" in the Results from RAM in Transient Stability it will also look at the plots and if any is defined it will also load the data associated with the plot series from the plots.
  • Transient Stability: Bug fix for an "invalid floating point operation" error which happened during the modification of limits at initialization for hydro governor models. This bug affected HYGOV, HYGOVD, HYGOVR, HYPID, HYG3, and HYGOV4 models after the patch dated February 2, 2022, which added a new feature of modifying the Hdam parameter to achieve the expected Pmech output at initialization.