Features and Improvements
- Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): For ATCWriteToText script command, messages will appear in the log if any invalid field variable names are specified.
- Available Transfer Capability (ATC) Tool: Added new option for handling branch and interface limit violations in the PV tool. There is now an option called "Stop in Base Case Only" that can be applied to either type of violation. When this is used, only base case limit violations can cause a scenario to be critical. Any limit violations that occur for contingency scenarios will be ignored.
- Transient Stability: Modified the HYGOV, HYGOVR, HYPID, HYGOV4, HYG3 hydro governor models so that when the the hydro model can not achieve the initial Pmech we automatically increase the At (turbine gain) value to allow initialization. This had already been added to the initial release of PowerWorld Simulator 22, so this only impacts Version 21.
- Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): When loading a Custom Monitor from an auxiliary file or pasting from Excel and the Object Name is not specified as blank and cannot be found, set the Enabled field to NO so this custom monitor is ignored. When the Object Name is blank this means that all objects of the specified type will be monitored. Do not want all objects monitored by default if the particular object cannot be found.
- Transient Stability: Fixed a bug when the loads do not have a distributed generation model but do have distributed generation load defined with the load and the total load was negative. It was causing some transient solution problems. Also a warning will be presented when the distribution generation do not have a transient model but have distributed generation with the load.