Software Patches

April 2, 2024

Features and Improvements

  • Contingency Analysis Tool: Added ability to show more fields with LimitViol and ViolationCTG (All Violation) objects. New fields were numbers of Areas, Zones, BA, and Substation.
  • Oneline Diagrams: Added support for images now having a fixed aspect ratio. When this option is true, when they are resized by the diagonal handles the width and height change proportionally. The image dialog also now shows the rotation angle.
  • Transient Stability: Added and Over-frequency and Over-voltage relay similar to the under-frequency and under-voltage relay TLIN1. The name of the relay is TLIN1O.
  • User Interface Dialogs: Updated super area dialog so it now has pages to show the buses, generators, loads, switched shunts and tie lines for the super area. Currently these pages are not updated when new areas are added, requiring that the dialog be closed and reopened if the updated pages are desired.
  • Bug Fixes

    • File Formats: When saving out RAW file version 34 and greater and including substations, the node names within a substation's node data section are now unique.
    • Oneline Diagrams: CaseInfoMemo fields can now show the likely timezone abbreviation for a time field. This is just based on the timezone hour offset and whether daylight savings time is active for the date. Since there are exceptions (like Arizona not doing daylight savings time), it isn't perfect but it should be quite good.
    • Optimal Power Flow (OPF): In OPF added checks to not include generators as controls if they have a cubic cost function with a decreasing incremental cost. Note, these generators can still be changed during the initial part of the OPF solution since it does an initial participation dispatch of the generators.
    • Power Flow Solution: Modified economic dispatch to not use generators with decreasing incremental cost curves.