Features and Improvements
- Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): Added CTGConvertToPrimaryCTG(filter, KeepOriginal, "Prefix", "Suffix") script command that converts regular/secondary contingencies to primary contingencies. All parameters are optional. Filter has all of the standard filter options and if not specified all contingencies will be converted. KeepOriginal is YES by default. If set to NO the original contingencies will be deleted after the conversion. The name of the new contingency will be "Prefix" + originalCTGname + "suffix". "Prefix" is blank by default. "Suffix" is "-Primary" by default.
- Case Information Displays: Both v24 and v23 now support a field that shows whether the time zone offset is based on daylight savings time. This field is strictly for display purposes since the date/time is unique determined by the UTC time plus the timezone offset. The purpose of the new field is to display the timezone. For example for -5 it is either EST or CDT; this field indicates which one.
- Contingency Analysis Tool: Changed a caption on the dialog that is used with the "Insert Special > Convert into Primary Contingencies" option found on the Contingencies tab of the Contingency Analysis dialog. The conversion options allow using the mouse to select contingencies to convert or converting all contingencies that are currently displayed in the case info due to filtering.
- Oneline Diagrams: Added oneline option to scale the size of all the gen/load/shunt object Circuit Breakers symbols.
- Transient Stability: Made change to REGFM_B1 to always report DeltaITmin = 0 when ESFlag = 0. Previous we were always using a 0, but it was still reporting a negative angle.
- Case Information Displays: Fixed column header and variable name for Rem Regs (SVC) in the Bus and Remotely Regulated Buses case information displays.
- GIC: Fixed memory leak that occurred when running GIC analysis.
- Power Flow Solution: Fixed some oscillation issues with parallel transformers. After balancing taps for parallel transformers, it was possible for a single transformer to move due to being outside of limits without the other transformers parallel to it moving, This would cause the balancing to occur again and end up oscillating the same process over and over.
- Transient Stability: Fixed an access violation when reading a Transient Limit Monitor that is referencing a Filter that is not yet created in the case.