January 31, 2013
Features and Improvements
- General: Fixed retrievals so that those data sources that create temporary files do so in the logged-in user's temporary directory when the temporary retrieval folder is left unspecified.
March 13, 2012
Features and Improvements
- General: Added Derived Online field for branches and dc lines. If Online = NO then Derived Online = OPEN, else Derived Online = Derived Status.
- General: Changed how Derived Status is determined. If Status = OPEN then Derived Status = OPEN else if breaker then Derived Status = CLOSED. If non-breaker shunt device (gen, load, or switched shunt) and a closed breaker is found by looking outward from the device terminal, a device is considered to be CLOSED. For a non-breaker branch, look from both terminals to determine if CLOSED, OPEN (no closed breaker at either terminal), OPEN FROM (closed breaker at to terminal only), or OPEN TO (closed breaker at from terminal only). Encountering a shunt device (gen, load, or switched shunt) when examining a branch will be considered the same as finding a closed breaker.
January 6, 2012
Bug Fixes
- General: Data source priority verification was added in a previous patch, the process incorrectly fixed priorities that were already correct. This has been fixed.
November 21, 2011
Features and Improvements
- General: Modified parsing of the DI/DINAME file to support $GEN$ to signify a generator as well as $UN$.
- General: Modified parsing of the DI/DINAME file to support treating field strings "MW" and "MVAR" as the appropriate mapped value. Previously it required "P" and "Q" instead.
November 11, 2011
Bug Fixes
- General: In a case which contains a large number of alias subscriptions, the deletion of objects which had associated alias subscriptions was extremely slow. This has been greatly sped up.
August 16, 2011
Bug Fixes
- General: Fixed handling of custom expression strings when shown in real-time mode.
- General: In real-time mode fixed errors in how the fields % Used, % Used From BUs, % Used To Bus, Percent MVA values, and Amp value were calculated from the retrieved MVA, MW, Mvar and Voltage measurements.
- General: Fixed error in loading and storing in real time monitors from an AUX file. The choice of which custom string expression to use was not being stored to the AUX file correctly.
July 14, 2011
Bug Fixes
- General: Fixed a problem with the PI data source where data wasn't being passed to the subscriptions properly following a retrieval.
July 7, 2011
Features and Improvements
- General: Added the ability to show the count of the number of subscriptions contained inside an area, substation, or zone. This count includes the subscriptions attributed to all of the objects inside each area, substation, or zone and the subscriptions attributed to the area, substation, or zone itself.
June 30, 2011
Features and Improvements
- General: Line Flow Arrow objects now use the option to show the flow from the “other” side of the line if the flow is not available on a particular side of the line.
May 31, 2011
Bug Fixes
- General: Improved quality highlighting to questionable and bad quality codes
- General: Fixed custom expressions and calculated fields to function properly when in real time mode
May 5, 2011
Bug Fixes
- General: Fixed errors with highlighting data based on the Questionable and Bad Quality Codes.
- General: Fixed errors to ensure that the multiple aliases subscribed to the same field are given priority based on the Datasource priority.
April 29, 2011
Features and Improvements
- General: Added ability to create a datasource which only specifies the quality of a measurement. For instance you may have three datasources: (1) SCADA, (2) State Estimation, and (3) Quality codes for SCADA measurements based on the State Estimate solution
- General: When multiple alias subscriptions are assigned to the same variable, added ability to ensure that the value shown is for the data source given the highest priority. Also if multiple values are avaible, then values marked with good quality are preferred.
- General: Added option to highlight objects and fields on a oneline based on any alias existing with a bad quality. Thus if multiple values are available the value will always reflect the good quality, but the highlighting may be based on any measurement being non-good.
- General: Added ability to specify "Questionable" quality codes for Flat Text and SQL datasources.
April 12, 2011
Features and Improvements
- General: Cleaned up the user interace regarding reading in MEAS records from the hdbexport file, and reading in alias and alias subscription information from the Areva DI/DINAME file.
- General: Added a feature with a datasource to allow specification of a "mapping table" to translate retrieved values into values useful for Retriever. For example, a mapping for branch status can be specified which designates "2 = Closed" and "1 = Open".
Bug Fixes
March 31, 2011
Features and Improvements
- General: Added Nominal kV, Labels, Mapped Variable (Pretty), Area, Zone, and Substations fields for object which is mapped by an alias subscription
- General: There is now a specific type of Quality for ViolateHigh and ViolateLow.
March 24, 2011
Features and Improvements
- General: Made the process of reading the DINAME file much faster when automatically creating subscriptions.
February 28, 2011
Bug Fixes
- General: Fixed error with how the Branch fields for Custom Expressions behaved while in Real-Time mode.
February 4, 2011
Bug Fixes
- General: There was an error in the option to save the Retriever configuration to an aux file using labels to identify objects. Instead of using labels to identify objects in the subscription definitions, bus numbers were being used. This has been fixed.
January 25, 2011
Bug Fixes
- General: In Retriever, when displaying custom expression for an Area, Zone, or Substation, Retriever would not function. This has been fixed.
- General: When showing the generator Mvar up/down range in Real-Time mode, Retriever was not properly using the subscribed values for generator Mvar. This has been fixed.
December 28, 2010
Bug Fixes
- General: When using alias subscriptions with integer, strings, or blank values, an error saying "Variant Casting Error" would occur. This has been fixed.
October 15, 2010
Bug Fixes
- General: Made changes so that Retriever doesn't automatically populate subscription limits with limits from the model since subscription limits override limits from the model.Made changes so that Retriever doesn't automatically populate subscription limits with limits from the model since subscription limits override limits from the model.
October 12, 2010
Bug Fixes
- General: Made changes so that Retriever doesn't automatically populate subscription limits with limits from the model since subscription limits override limits from the model.
September 28, 2010
Bug Fixes
- General: Fixing bug with flow arrow size calculation when subscribing to limits.
September 10, 2010
Features and Improvements
- General: Added ability to load a SCADA measurements file from an Areva system and automatically create alias and subscriptions from it.
- General: Modified to allow Retriever configuration files to be saved using labels.
September 3, 2010
Features and Improvements
- General: Added ability to define a Real-Time Monitor object that monitors the retrieved data values for violations. Monitors can look at any value and filters can be defined to describe what is a violation. In addition a delay may be specified indicating how long the violation must persist before an alarm is triggered.
- General: Added the storage of Real-Time Alarms which are created by the Real-Time Monitors.
July 16, 2010
Bug Fixes
- General: Changing the status of a branch while in Run Mode was not working properly in Retriever.