New PowerWorld Simulator-Created Images
PowerWorld founder Professor Tom Overbye created these rich images in PowerWorld Simulator using a one-line diagram and unified North American power flow models. They demonstrate how Simulator can be used to provide “overview” visualizations, that might be of interest to a wide audience that might include management, media, government, and the general public. The images are all based on power flow models of peak summer 2014 conditions.
Load density is conveyed through a black/white color scale. The coloring mimics commonly shown “night lighting” satellite photographs.
This image combines load (green scale) with generation (red scale) to convey the relative locations of each.
Power generation stations are shown power with a modified spectrum scale (black-red-yellow-light blue). A large number of relatively small wind farms are revealed with red dots.
Generation stations zoomed on the Pacific Northwest. The Columbia and Snake Rivers are recognizable by their series of hydroelectric stations.