Knowledge Base

Are the one-line diagrams easy to build?

We think so!  We’ve gone to great lengths to make it easy to build diagrams.

You can specify default drawing values for display objects based on object type and nominal kV.  These values can also be saved to or loaded from auxiliary files providing continuity when creating multiple diagrams.

If you have geographic information regarding the location of the buses in your system, you can automatically insert the buses at the prescribed locations. Then just use Simulator’s built-in features to automatically insert lines, generators, and loads to create the rest of the diagram.

Additional features such as the ability to select and format multiple objects simultaneously and the ability to “anchor” objects to buses and lines make it easy to build and modify the diagrams.  (When an object is “anchored” to either a bus or a line, moving the bus or line on the diagram causes all the objects anchored to the object to move with the bus/line; this feature is essential when attempting to rearrange objects on your diagram.) Please see Simulator Tips: Creating and Modifying Diagrams for more information.

Alternatively, you can import diagrams saved in a common power flow one-line drawing format.

We also provide diagram development services for a very reasonable fee.  Contact us at for information.

Finally, Energy Visuals (a sister company of PowerWorld Corporation) develops and markets the product Transmission Atlas. Transmission Atlas provides very large one-line diagrams built from common models such as the WECC, ERCOT and NERC MMWG models of the United States. These diagrams include everything in the case at 69 kV and higher, and all generation with at least 50 MW maximum output.

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July 3, 2012