Case Information Ribbon Tab
The Case Information ribbon consists of buttons and menus that provide access to the information about the power system model. The ribbon is shown below:
The Case Information ribbon is broken into the following ribbon groups:
Mode Ribbon Group
Edit Mode
Switches the program to Edit Mode, which can be used to build a new case or to modify an existing one.
Run Mode
Switches the program to Run Mode, which can be used to perform a single Power Flow Solution or a timed simulation with animation.
Case Information Ribbon Group
Model Explorer
Opens the Model Explorer giving access to all the case information displays for the model.
Opens the Area/Zone/Owner Filters display which allows filtering of the case information displays by Area, Zone, and Owner.
Limit Monitoring
Opens the Limit Monitoring Settings and Limit Violations Dialog which allows you to specify what to monitor in the various analysis tools.
Menus for Network, Aggregation, and Solution Details
These three menus all perform the same action as opening the Model Explorer, except that they automatically set the Explore Pane of the Model Explorer to show the respective case information display. Instead of using these menus, PowerWorld encourages you leave the Model Explorer open and navigate using the Explore Pane on the Model Explorer.
Case Data Ribbon Group
Difference Flows Menu
Difference Case: Opens the Difference Case Dialog
Present Topological Differences From Base: Opens the Present Topological Differences From Base Dialog.
The remaining options in this menu all replicate the same behavior available on the Difference Case Dialog. For more details go to that help topic.
Data Check Added in Version 20 patch on April 9, 2018
Opens the Data Check Overview .
Simulator Options
Opens the Simulator Options Dialog.
Case Description
Opens the Case Description Dialog.
Case Summary
Opens the Case Summary Dialog.
Custom Case Info
Opens the Custom Case Information Display.
Power Flow List
Opens the Power Flow List.
Quick Power Flow List
Opens the Quick Power Flow List.
AUX Export Format Desc
Opens the Auxiliary File Export Format Description Dialog for Power System Objects.
Views Ribbon Group
Bus View
Opens the Bus View Oneline which provides a graphical display that allows you to quickly browse information about a bus and everything connected to that bus.
Substation View
Opens the Substation View Oneline which provides a graphical display that allows you to quickly browse information about a bus and everything connected to that substation.
Oneline Viewer
Opens the Oneline Viewer dialog which provides a convenient way to browse available onelines.
Data View Added in Version 20
Opens the Data View which provides a convenient way to sbrowse the fields of one object.
Open Windows Menu
The Open Windows Menu provides a convenient method of switching between open windows. This includes User Interface Dialogs, Case Information Displays, and Oneline diagrams.