Area/Zone/Owner Filters and DataMaintainer Filters


Anywhere in the help documentation or the software that reference is made to either "Area/Zone filtering" or "Area/Zone/Owner filtering" this really refers to the all Area, Zone, Owner, and Data Maintainer filtering. This is done for brevity.


The Area/Zone/Owner Filters Dialog allows you to filter the information shown on the case information displays and other dialogs by area, zone or owner. There are a several ways to open the Area/Zone/Owner Filters Dialog.

Added in the Version 20 build on October 17, 2017, you may also use Data Maintainer filtering, which will be ANDED with the Area/Zone/Owner filtering. To do this you must first define appropriate Data Maintainers, then check the box Use Data Maintainers Filtering on Case Information Displays. This same check box option is also available in the Options drop-down on the Case Information Display Toolbar.


For small cases, you will usually not need to use this filtering capability, but it can be very useful for large cases. The filters display lists each area, zone and owner in the case, the number of buses in each, the range of bus numbers contained in each, and whether or not information about that area, zone or owner should be displayed. In order for a device to be displayed, its Area, Zone, Owner and DataMaintainer Filter property must be set to yes. For devices which can belong to more than one area, zone, or owner (for instance a transmission line that connects two areas, i.e. a tie line), then the device will be displayed if any end of the device meets the area/zone/owner filter. For devices that have multiple owners then if any owner is meets the filter the device will.

You can switch between displaying the filters for the case areas, zones, owners, or DataMaintainers by clicking on the associated tab.

The area/zone/owner/datamaintainer filters list is itself a case information display and therefore shares many of the same local menu options and characteristics. Using the local menu, you can search for an area, zone or owner by number or by name, copy records to and from other applications, and send the records to a printer. You can inspect an area, zone or owner by selecting Show Dialog from the local menu, which invokes the Area Information, Zone Information, Owner Information Dialogs. You can also change the format and content of the filters display by selecting the Display Column/Options item from the local menu. The records can be sorted by any of its component fields simply by clicking the corresponding column’s heading.

On each tab there is an enterable field entitled Shown, which may assume only the values Yes and No. For example, if the Area/Zone/Owner Filters setting for an area is No, then any case information display configured to enforce area/zone/owner filters will omit the area’s elements from the resulting record set. You can specify whether a particular case information display enforces filters using the display’s Display/Column Options Dialog.

Double-click on a cell in the Shown field to toggle its value. Use the cell handle to propagate a particular value to multiple areas, zones or owners, or use the Toggle All Yes or Toggle All No local menu options to set the values of all area, zone or owner records.