Case Summary

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The Case Summary Display provides a summary of the current case. Note that there are no enterable fields on the display. To display the Case Summary, go to the Case Information ribbon tab, and choose Case Summary from the Case Data ribbon group. The fields shown on this display include:


Number of Devices in Case shows the number of each of the following device types:


Total number of buses in the case. Use the Bus Display to see a listing of these buses.


Total number of generators in the case. Use the Generator Display to see a listing of these generators.


Total number of loads in the case. Use the Load Display to see a listing of these loads.

Switched Shunts

Total number of switched shunts in the case. Use the Switched Shunt Display to see a listing of these switched shunts.

Trans. Lines (AC)

Total number of transmission lines in the case. Use the Line/Transformer Display to see a listing of these lines.

LTCs (Control Volt)

Total number of Load Tap Changing transformers in the case. Use the Transformer Control Display to see a listing of these transformer controls.

Phase Shifters

Total number of Phase Shifting transformers in the case. Use the Transformer Control Display to see a listing of these transformer controls.

Mvar Controlling

Total number of Mvar Controlling transformers in the case. Use the Transformer Control Display to see a listing of these transformer controls.

Series Capacitors

Total number of Series Capacitors in the case. These devices are treated the same as any other transmission line, and therefore can be found listed as a transmission element in the Line/Transformer Display.

2 Term. DC Lines

Total number of two-terminal dc transmission lines in the case. Use the DC Transmission Line Display to see a listing of these dc lines.

N-Term. DC Lines

Total number of multi-terminal dc transmission lines in the case. Use the DC Transmission Line Display to see a listing of these dc lines.


Total number of areas in case. Use the Area Display to see a listing of these areas.


Total number of zones in the case. Use the Zone Display to see a listing of these zones.


Total number of islands in the case. An island is a group of buses that are interconnected through ac transmission lines or transformers but are isolated from the rest of the system. Each island must have a slack bus. In Simulator, use the Power Flow Solution tab of the Simulator Options display to specify whether multiple islands are allowed.


Total number of interfaces in the case. An interface is a grouping of tie line objects between area objects. In Simulator, use the Interfaces Display to open the Interface Dialog to define and modify interface objects.

Injection Groups

Total number of injection groups in the case. An injection group is a collection of loads and generators (objects that inject power into a network). In Simulator, use Injection Groups Display to open the Injection Groups Dialog to define and modify injection groups.

Case Totals

Summarizes the total load, generation, shunt compensation, and losses for the case. Positive shunt compensation denotes shunt load, whereas negative shunt compensation indicates a shunt injection (such as shunt capacitance). The case totals fields are valid only when the current case is solved.

Generator Spinning Reserves

The total difference between the present total generator output versus the total maximum possible output of all in-service generation.

Slack Buses:

The slack bus or buses are listed showing the bus name, number, and area name and number. One slack bus is required for each island.

Case Pathname

Full file name of the current case.