Environment Options

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The Environment page provides you control over a number of display and simulation options. The first section of the page contains a list of check boxes that you can use to designate the content of the oneline displays.


These options include:

Do Not Solve While Animating (Display Only)

If checked, Simulator only displays the case; it does not solve the power flow equations. System flows are determined by the initial values in the case file. This option should be checked if you simply want to use Simulator to visualize a case that has already been solved. The advantage of the display-only mode is that animation is significantly faster, particularly for large cases. The drawback to the display-only mode is that the power flow equations are not automatically solved at each time step; you must explicitly call for a Power Flow Solution using either the Solve Power Flow button in the Power Flow Tools ribbon group on the Tools ribbon tab or choose one of the solution options under the Solve menu in the Power Flow Tools ribbon group.

Play/Animation Solution Method

This option is available only for OPF releases of Simulator. Use it to indicate whether Simulator’s repetitive power flow should perform a normal power flow solution or an optimal power flow (OPF) solution.

Solution Animation

Check Auto Start Solution Animation to automatically start the animation after loading the case.

Check Auto Solve On Load to automatically solve the power flow solution when the case is loaded.

Show Log

If checked, the message log is displayed. The message log shows detailed results of each Power Flow Solution. Usually this log is NOT shown. However, if you are running into problems with a simulation case, it can prove useful for debugging the case.

Disable Showing Blackouts

You can dramatize a power flow case’s failure to converge by representing it as a blackout. The background of the oneline diagram will become a dark shade of gray, and a message box will appear to announce that the system has experienced a blackout. To disable this behavior, select the Disable Showing Blackouts box. Representing the failure to converge as a blackout can be very helpful for presentation purposes. Very often, the power flow’s failure to converge can be traced to the system’s inability to serve the load demand, a situation that requires that load be "blacked out," or shed, to restore the system to a viable operating state. Thus, displaying the failure to converge as a blackout has physical significance.

Disable AGC When Manually Changing Generator MW

When this option is checked, changing the MW output of a generator manually will automatically remove a generator from Automatic Generation Control. If you wish for generators to maintain their automatic generation control settings following a manual change of MW output, you must uncheck this option.

Open Associated Oneline Diagrams

By default, Simulator has always attempted to open any diagrams that were open with a case file when the case file was last closed. However, now you may uncheck this option and Simulator will not attempt to open any oneline diagrams when a case is loaded.

Auto Open Bus Records if No Oneline

If a case is opened in Simulator which does not have an associated oneline diagram, then Simulator will automatically open the Bus Records case information display if this option is checked.

Allow to Prompt for comment when saving case

If checked it will force saving the case with comments by popping a dialog every time a case is saved.

Auto Set Present as Base for Difference Case Tool when Loaded

This option allows the present case to be set as a base automatically after being loaded. This can be done always or never, or only if the base case has not been set before opening the case.

Reset Default Positions and Styles for all Dialogs

Click this button to reset the default position, size and Free-Floating/Contained style of the dialogs. See Window Basics for more information.

Custom Colors

This option allows the user to edit the custom colors used throughout all Simulator color dialogs.

Clock Style

The clock serves as a timer for timed simulations by showing the current time, the start time, and the end time of the simulation. You can choose to hide the simulation clock by specifying a clock style of None. Otherwise, to display the clock in its own window, choose Dialog, and to display the clock on the program’s status bar, select Status Bar.

Measurement System

This option allows the user to choose English (Imperial) or Metric (SI) units for system measurements. By default, this option is set to English units.

Recently Used File List Entries

The maximum number of file names and locations stored in the History List of the File menu.

Undo Memory Limit Per Oneline

The approximate maximum number of Megabytes allowed to be used in storing actions carried out when editing a oneline diagram, which can be undone at any time.

Use Touchscreen Menu

Check this box to enabled the Touchscreen Menu, available on fullscreen oneline diagrams.

Tap Correction

Tap correction adjusts for imprecise interactions with small display objects on a oneline in a touchscreen interface. If a tap misses the intended target and hits the oneline background instead, the Tap Correction slider sets a radius within which Simulator will intelligently search for the intended display object. High Tap Correction searches a wider area; the lowest Tap Correction setting turns it off entirely.