Edit Mode General Procedures

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In order to simplify the process of graphically constructing a power flow case, Simulator’s drawing interface obeys the following conventions for most objects:


Inserting a New Object

Moving, Resizing, and Rotating an Existing Object

Viewing/Modifying Object Parameters

Selecting Several Objects to Modify Their Appearance

Hold down the Shift key while clicking objects on the screen to select several objects at once. You may then change the objects’ attributes, such as Font, Line/Fill, etc., by using all the options available on the Formatting ribbon group on the Draw ribbon tab.

To move the objects that are selected, click and hold down the left mouse button on any of the selected objects, drag the selected objects to a new location, and release the mouse button to place them. You can also move the selected objects by holding the SHIFT key and simultaneously using the UP, DOWN, LEFT, or RIGHT arrow keys (or use the Home, End, Page Up and Page Down keys to move objects).

To select a set of objects use the many options available on the Select ribbon group on the Draw ribbon tab to select a group of objects using a rectangle, ellipse or polygon selector. You can also select only objects that meet some given criteria by using Select by Criteria. As an example, you can use Select By Criteria to select all the 345 kV transmission lines in a case. See Select ribbon group for more detailed help.

Changing An Object’s Screen Appearance

Use all the options available on the Formatting ribbon group on the Draw ribbon tab to change the screen appearance of either a selection of objects or the entire display.