Machine Model: REGFM_A1


Model Equations and/or Block Diagrams


TPf Filter time constant for P measurement (s)
TQf Filter time constant for Q measurement (s)
TVf Filter time constant for V measurement (s)
Re Inverter coupling resistance (pu)
Xe Inverter coupling reactance (pu), must be greater than zero
Imax Inverter maximum output current (pu), Zero means ignore Imax
Emax Upper limit of the output of voltage controller
Emin Lower limit of the output of voltage controller
Pmax Upper limit of the inverter active power control
Pmin Lower limit of the inverter active power control
Qmax Upper limit of the inverter reactive power control
Qmin Lower limit of the inverter reactive power control
Mp P-Freq Droop gain
Mq Q-V Droop gain
Kpv Proportional gain for voltage controller
Kiv Integral gain for voltage controller (>0)
Kppmax Proportional gain of the Pmax and Pmin controller
Kipmax Integral gain of the Pmax and Pmin controller
Kpqmax Proportional gain of the Qmax and Qmin controller
Kiqmax Integral gain of the Qmax and Qmin controller
Vflag Voltage Control Mode Selection. <>0 to use PI controller; =0 to directly set internal voltage
QVflag Input Mode Selection. <>0 to use Voltage as a input; =0 to use Reactive Power Q as an input