Machine Model: REGC_A


Model Equations and/or Block Diagrams


LVPLSW LVPL Switch (enabled=1)
rrpwr LVPL ramprate limit, p.u.
brkpt LVPL characteristic breakpoint voltage, p.u.
zerox LVPL characteristic zero crossing voltage, p.u.
LVPL1 LVPL Maximum Current Breakpoint
VLim Model Parameters\VLim
LVPnt1 Voltage in per unit at which the low voltage active current management scalar goes to 1.0
LVPnt0 Voltage in per unit at which the low voltage active current management scalar goes to 0.0
Tg Model Parameters\Tg
Tfltr Voltage sensor time constant
Iqrmax Reactive current recovery positive rate limit (set to zero or negative value to disable)
Iqrmin Reactive current recovery negative rate limit (set to zero or positive value to disable)
Qmin Parameter not used by PowerWorld Simulator. Included only to support DYD file formats.
Khv Parameter not used by PowerWorld Simulator. Included only to support DYD file formats.
Xe Parameter not used by PowerWorld Simulator. Included only to support DYD file formats.