Exciter Model: REEC_D


Model Equations and/or Block Diagrams


Vcmpflag Vcmpflag: Vcomp Flag (<>0 means use current compensation, 0 means use reactive droop
PfFlag PfFlag: Power factor flag (<>0 means power factor control, 0 means Q control, which can be commanded by an external signal)
VFlag VFlag: Voltage control flag (<>0 means Q control, 0 mean voltage control)
QFlag QFlag: Reactive power control flag (<>0 means voltage/Q control, 0 means constant pf or Q control)
Pflag Pflag: Power Flag (<>0 means multiply Pref signal by gen speed wg, 0 means do not multiply)
Pqflag Pqflag: P/Q priority selection on current limit flag. (0 means Q priority, <>0 means P priority
MVABase MVABase: MVABase for model
Vdip Vdip: The voltage below which the reactive current injection (Iqinj) logic is activated (i.e. voltage_dip = 1)
Vup Vup: The voltage above which the reactive current injection (Iqinj) logic is activated (i.e. voltage_dip = 1)
Trv Trv: Filter time constant for voltage measurement
dbd1 dbd1: Deadband in voltage error when voltage dip logic is activated (for overvoltage – thus overvoltage response can be disabled by setting this to a large number e.g. 999)
dbd2 dbd2: Deadband in voltage error when voltage dip logic is activated (for undervoltage)
kqv kqv: Gain for reactive current injection during voltage dip (and overvoltage) conditions
Iqh1 Iqh1: Maximum limit of reactive current injection (Iqinj)
Iql1 Iql1: Minimum limit of reactive current injection (Iqinj)
Vref0 Vref0: The reference voltage from which the voltage error is calculated. This is set by the user. If the user does not specify a value it is initialized by the model to equal to the initial terminal voltage.
Iqfrz Iqfrz: Value to which reactive-current command is frozen after a voltage-dip [pu]
Thld Thld: Time for which reactive-current command is frozen after a voltage-dip [s]; if positive then Iqcmd is frozen to its final value during the voltage-dip; if negative then Iqcmd is frozen to Iqfrz
Thld2 Thld2: Time delay for which the active current limit (Ipmax) is held after voltage_dip returns to zero for Thld2 seconds at its value during the voltage dip.
Tp Tp: Filter time constant for electrical power measurement
QVmax QVmax: The maximum value of the incoming Qext or Vext [pu]
QVmin QVmin: The minimum value of the incoming Qext or Vext [pu]
Vmax Vmax: Voltage control maximum
Vmin Vmin: Voltage control minimum
Kqp Kqp: Proportional gain on Q control
Kqi Kqi: Integral gain on Q control
Kvp Kvp: Proportional gain on V control
Kvi Kvi: Integral gain on V control
Vref1 Vref1: User-define reference/bias on the inner-loop voltage control (default value is zero)
Tiq Tiq: Time constant on lag delay
dPmax dPmax: Positive Ramp rate on power reference
dPmin dPmin: Negative Ramp rate on power reference
Pmax Pmax: Maximum power reference
Pmin Pmin: Minimum power reference
Imax Imax: Maximum allowable total converter current limit
Tpord Tpord: Filter time constant on Pord
Rc Rc: Current-compensation resistance [pu]
Xc Xc: Current-compensation reactance [pu]
Tr1 Tr1: Filter time constant for voltage measurement. Can be set to zero. [s]
Kc Kc: Reactive-current compensation gain
Ke Ke: Scaling on Ipmin; set to 0 for a generator, set to a value between 0 and 1 for a storage device, as appropriate
Vblkh Vblkh: Voltage above which the converter is blocked (i.e. Iq = Ip = 0)
Vblkl Vblkl: Voltage below which the converter is blocked (i.e. Iq = Ip = 0)
Tblkdelay Tblkdelay: The time delay following blocking of the converter after which the converter is released from being blocked
Vq1 Vq1: VDLq: Voltage Point1
Iq1 Iq1: VDLq: Iqmax Point1
Vq2 Vq2: VDLq: Voltage Point2
Iq2 Iq2: VDLq: Iqmax Point2
Vq3 Vq3: VDLq: Voltage Point3
Iq3 Iq3: VDLq: Iqmax Point3
Vq4 Vq4: VDLq: Voltage Point4
Iq4 Iq4: VDLq: Iqmax Point4
Vq5 Vq5: VDLq: Voltage Point5
Iq5 Iq5: VDLq: Iqmax Point5
Vq6 Vq6: VDLq: Voltage Point6
Iq6 Iq6: VDLq: Iqmax Point6
Vq7 Vq7: VDLq: Voltage Point7
Iq7 Iq7: VDLq: Iqmax Point7
Vq8 Vq8: VDLq: Voltage Point8
Iq8 Iq8: VDLq: Iqmax Point8
Vq9 Vq9: VDLq: Voltage Point9
Iq9 Iq9: VDLq: Iqmax Point9
Vq10 Vq10: VDLq: Voltage Point10
Iq10 Iq10: VDLq: Iqmax Point10
Vp1 Vp1: VDLp: Voltage Point1
Ip1 Ip1: VDLp: Ipmax Point1
Vp2 Vp2: VDLp: Voltage Point2
Ip2 Ip2: VDLp: Ipmax Point2
Vp3 Vp3: VDLp: Voltage Point3
Ip3 Ip3: VDLp: Ipmax Point3
Vp4 Vp4: VDLp: Voltage Point4
Ip4 Ip4: VDLp: Ipmax Point4
Vp5 Vp5: VDLp: Voltage Point5
Ip5 Ip5: VDLp: Ipmax Point5
Vp6 Vp6: VDLp: Voltage Point6
Ip6 Ip6: VDLp: Ipmax Point6
Vp7 Vp7: VDLp: Voltage Point7
Ip7 Ip7: VDLp: Ipmax Point7
Vp8 Vp8: VDLp: Voltage Point8
Ip8 Ip8: VDLp: Ipmax Point8
Vp9 Vp9: VDLp: Voltage Point9
Ip9 Ip9: VDLp: Ipmax Point9
Vp10 Vp10: VDLp: Voltage Point10
Ip10 Ip10: VDLp: Ipmax Point10


Current Limit Logic Psuedo Code

The following pseudo-code describes how the values for Ipmax, Ipmin, Iqmax, and Iqmin are updated. This is done independently of blocking logic described previously.

  If Blocked then begin // see logic above for when blocking is implemented

    Ipmax = 0

    Ipmin = 0

    Iqmax = 0

    Iqmin = 0


  Else begin

    Voltage_Thld2TimerActive = special boolean related to timer

    local_V = StateVtfilter // Vt State 1

    if VDL1 table is empty then Iqmax = 1E10

    else Iqmax = lookup from VL1 table using local_V

    if not Voltage_Thld2TimerActive then begin

      if VDL2 table is empty then Ipmax = 1E10

      else Ipmax = lookup from VDL2 table using local_V


    if PQFlag = 0 then begin // Q priority [default]

      If Imax < Iqmax Then Iqmax = IMax

      if Iqmax < 0 then Iqmin = Iqmax // special handling

      Else Iqmin = -Iqmax

      if not Voltage_Thld2TimerActive then begin

        local_I = Sqr(Imax) - Sqr(Iqcmd)

        if local_I < 0 then local_I = 0

        else local_I = sqrt( local_I )

        if local_I < Ipmax Then Ipmax = local_I


      Ipmin = -Ke*Ipmax


    else Begin// P priority

      if not Voltage_Thld2TimerActive then begin

        if IMax < Ipmax Then Ipmax = Imax


      Ipmin = -Ke*Ipmax

      local_I = Sqr(Imax) - Sqr(Ipcmd)

      if local_I < 0 then local_I = 0

      else local_I = sqrt( local_I )

      if local_I < Iqmax Then Iqmax = local_I

      if Iqmax < 0 then Iqmin = Iqmax // special handling

      Else Iqmin = -Iqmax

