Bus Plant Controller Model: REPC_D

NOTE: REPC_D is in the same family of controller as the Generator Plant Controllers such as REPC_A, however the REPC_D model is assign to a Bus object instead of a Generator object.

Thus to create the object you must go to Stability tab on the Bus dialog or look in the Model Explorer under Transient Stability\Bus Models


Model Equations and/or Block Diagrams   


Object Parameters:

MeasVBus OtherObject:0 Measurement VBus. Bus at which voltage is measured. If not specified then the bus at which the REPC_D model is defined is used.
MeasFreqBus OtherObject:1 Measurement Freq Bus. Bus at which frequency is measured. If not specified, then it will use the same bus as the voltage measurement.
MeasBranch OtherObject:2 Measurement Branch. Branch on at which Qbranch, Pbranch, and Ibranch is measured.
MeasBus OtherObject:3 Measurement Bus. This is the terminal bus of the Measurement Branch at which Qbranch, Pbranch and Ibranch are measured. Note that the parameter MeasFlag determines whether the flow is measured into or out of the branch.
MeasQBranch2 OtherObject:4 Measurement Q Branch 2. Branch on which Qbranch2 is measured.
MeasQBus2 OtherObject:5 Measurement Q Bus. This is the terminal bus of the Measure Q Branch 2 at which Qbranch2 is measured. Note that the parameter MeasQFlag determines whether the flow is measured into or out of the branch.
Control Shunt Device 1 OtherObject:6 Switched Shunt controlled by REPC_D (up to 12 can be specified)
Control Shunt Device 2 OtherObject:7 Switched Shunt controlled by REPC_D (up to 12 can be specified)
... ... ...
Control Shunt Device 12 OtherObject:17 Switched Shunt controlled by REPC_D (up to 12 can be specified)
Control Device 1 OtherObject:18 Generator 1 which receives output Po1 and Qo1 from the REPC_D model
Control Device 2 OtherObject:19 Generator 2 which receives output Po2 and Qo2 from the REPC_D model
... ... ...
Control Device 50 OtherObject:67 Generator 50 which receives output Po50 and Qo50 from the REPC_D model


MeasFlag MeasFlag: 0 indicate that positive flow for MeasBranch is leaving MeasBus going out to the line. 1 indicate that positive flow for MeasBranch is arriving at MeasBus coming in from the line.
MeasQFlag MeasQFlag: 0 indicate that positive flow for MeasQBranch2 is leaving MeasQBus2 going out to the line. 1 indicate that positive flow for MeasQBranch2 is arriving at MeasQBus2 coming in from the line.
VcompFlag VcompFlag: Selection of droop (0) or line drop compensation (1)
RefFlag RefFlag: Reference Flag: 0 = reactive power control; 1 = voltage control; 2 = constant power factor
Freqflag Freqflag: Flag to turn on (1) or off (0) the active power control loop within the plant controller
Pefd_Flag Pefd_Flag: Enable (1) or disable (0) electrical power feedback
Ffwrd_Flag Ffwrd_Flag: Feedforward flaf (1) include feedforward and (0) disable
MSSFlag MSSFlag: 0 means shunt switching is disabled; <> 0 means shunt switching is enabled.
QVFlag QVFlag: 0 means Q/V control is a fixed output; <> 0 means QV control is enabled.
Tfltr Tfltr: Voltage or reactive power measurement filter time constant
Kp Kp: Proportional gain
Ki Ki: Integral gain
Tft Tft: Lead time constant
Tfv Tfv: Lag time constant
Vfrz Vfrz: Voltage below which plant control integrator state is frozen
Rc Rc: Line drop compensation resistance
Xc Xc: Current compensation constant (to emulate droop or line drop compensation)
Kc Kc: Gain on reactive current compensation
emax emax: Maximum error limit
emin emin: Minimum error limit
dbd1 QV Deadband lower threshold <= 0
dbd2 QV Deadband upper threshold >= 0
Qvmax Qvmax: Maximum Q control output
Qvmin Qvmin: Minimum Q control output
Kpg Kpg: Proportional gain for power control
Kig Kig: Integral gain for power control
Tp Tp: Lag time constant on Pgen measurement
fdbd1 fdbd1: Deadband downside
fdbd2 fdbd2: Deadband upside
femax femax: Maximum error limit
femin femin: Minimum error limit
Pmax Pmax: Maximum Power
Pmin Pmin: Minimum Power
Tlag Tlag: Lag time constant on Pref feedback
Ddn Ddn: Downside droop (>= 0)
Dup Dup: Upside droop (>= 0)
Vrefmax Vrefmax: Maximum voltage reference, pu
Vrefmin Vrefmin: Minimum voltage reference, pu
Qrefmax Qrefmax: Maximum Q-reference, pu
Qrefmin Qrefmin: Minimum Q-reference, pu
dqrefmax dqrefmax: Maximum rate if increase of Q-reference, pu/s
dqrefmin dqrefmin: Maximum rate if decrease of Q-reference, pu/s
qvrmax qvrmax: Maximum rate if increase of Qext (Vext), pu/s
qvrmin qvrmin: Maximum rate if decrease of Qext (Vext), pu/s
dprmax dprmax: Maximum rate if increase of Plant Pref, pu/s
dprmin dprmin: Maximum rate if decrease of Plant Pref, pu/s
pfmax pfmax: For positive Mvar, the minimum power factor setpoint allowed
pfmin pfmin: For negative Mvar, the minimum power factor setpoint allowed
Prmax Prmax: Maximum rate if increase of Pref, pu/s
Prmin Prmin: Maximum rate if decrease of Pref, pu/s
PImax PImax: Maximum output of the active power PI controller, pu
PImin PImin: Minimum output of the active power PI controller, pu
Tc Tc: Reactive-current compensation time-constant, sec
Qdn1 Qdn1: First stage of capacitor (reactor) switching out (in), pu
Qdn2 Qdn2: Second stage of capacitor (reactor) switching out (in), pu
Qup1 Qup1: First stage of capacitor (reactor) switching in (out), pu
Qup2 Qup2: Second stage of capacitor (reactor) switching in (out), pu
Tdelay1 Tdelay1: Time delay after which if Q < Qdn1 (or Q > Qup1) a capacitor (reactor) is switched, sec
Tdelay2 Tdelay2: Time delay after which if Q < Qdn2 (or Q > Qup2) a capacitor (reactor) is switched, sec
Tmssbrk Tmssbrk: Time it takes to switch in (out) a mechanically switched shunt, sec
TOUT TOUT: Time for discharging of a capacitor that has just beed switched out; the same capacitor cannot be switched back in until Tout (sec) has elapsed
Tfrz Tfrz: A time delay during which the states are kept frozeen even after the filtered voltage recovers above Vfrz. This can be used to ensure the plant controller does not iteract with the inverter LVRT
Tfrq Tfrq: Frequency time constant, sec
Vfreq Vfreq: Voltage in pu below which measured frequency is set to 1 pu.
dfmax dfmax: Maximum frequency error, pu
dfmin dfmin: Minimum frequency error, pu
MVABase MVABase: Model MVA base
frmax frmax: Maximum rate limit on measured frequency, pu/s
frmin frmin: Minimum rate limit on measured frequency, pu/s
Vfrzhigh Vfrz: Voltage above which plant control integrator state is frozen
Kz1 Real path weight for control device 1
Tz1 Time Delay for real power 1
Pmax1 Real Power Maximum (pu) 1
Pmin1 Real Power Minimum (pu) 1
Kw1 Reactive path weight for control device 1
Tw1 Time Delay for reactive power 1
Qmax1 Reactive Power Maximum (pu) 1
Qmin1 Reactive Power Minimum (pu) 1
... repeat parameters Kz*, Tz*, Pmax*, Pmin*, Kw*, Tw*, Qmax*, Qmin* for up to 50 generators
Kz50 Real path weight for control device 50
Tz50 Time Delay for real power 50
Pmax50 Real Power Maximum (pu) 50
Pmin50 Real Power Minimum (pu) 50
Kw50 Reactive path weight for control device 50
Tw50 Time Delay for reactive power 50
Qmax50 Reactive Power Maximum (pu) 50
Qmin50 Reactive Power Minimum (pu) 50