Integrated Topology Processing Overview

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The Integrated Topology Processing tool is available only if you have purchased the Integrated Topology Processing add-on to the base Simulator package. Contact PowerWorld Corporation for details about ordering Integrated Topology Processing for Simulator.

Integrated Topology Processing is a Simulator add-on, which allows you to solve EMS-type, full-topology models in a numerically robust and transparent manner. Planning cases, traditionally used in the planning environment by tools such as Simulator, correspond to a less-detailed, electrically equivalent snapshot of the full-topology model.

Integrated Topology Processing extends Simulator applications traditionally used by planners so they can operate in an operations real-time environment.

Integrated Topology Processing is fully integrated with the functions of the Simulator base package including power flow, contingency analysis, and sensitivity calculations, as well as with the OPF, SCOPF, Transient Stability, ATC, and PVQV add-ons.

Simulator's Integrated Topology Processing is different from traditional EMS topology processing, which requires converting the full-topology model into a consolidated, planning case, to numerically solve network applications such as power flow and state estimation. Simulator's Integrated Topology Processing dynamically obtains an equivalent consolidated representation of the full-topology model by dynamically reassigning the connection pointers of all of the devices. In Simulator, no "case conversion" takes place. The consolidated representation has the same topology and is electrically equivalent to the corresponding planning case.

Only the full-topology model is stored in memory. We call this novel implementation "Single-Model" Integrated Topology Processing.

Simulator's Integrated Topology Processing allows complete unification of power system planning and operations unification regarding network models and application environment. Typical uses of Integrated Topology Processing are:

Simulator's Integrated Topology Processing consists of two main features:

We invite you to continue reading the following Integrated Topology Processing topics:

Full-Topology Model




Primary Bus Priority Scheme

Illustration of Consolidation Process

Consolidated Representation

Consolidated Superbus View

Integrated Topology Processing Dialog

Power Flow Using Topology Processing

Ill-Conditioned Jacobian

Contingency Analysis Using Integrated Topology Processing

Incremental Topology Processing

Integrated Topology Processing in Applications

Saving the Planning Case

Planning Cases

Primary Bus Mapping

Breaker-to-Device Contingency Conversion

Device Derived Status