OPF Area Records

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Displays OPF specific information about each area record in the case. To show this display select Optimal Power Flow > Results > Areas in the Model Explorer or OPF Areas from the OPF Case Info menu found in the Optimal Power Flow (OPF) ribbon group on the Add Ons ribbon tab while in Run mode. The OPF Area Records Display is a class of Case Information Display and therefore can be used in a manner consistent with the other case information displays. Specific formatting options are available from the local menu, which can be accessed by right-clicking on any field in the display.

By default the display contains the following fields:

Number, Name

Area’s integer number and its alphanumeric identifier, 255 characters maximum.

AGC Status

Area's automatic generation control status. This is the same field shown on the Area Records Display. The field indicates whether or not the area's generation is changing automatically to control the area interchange.

To be included in the OPF, this field MUST be OPF. The generation costs for areas that are on OPF control are included in the OPF objective function; otherwise they are not. Note that if the area is part of a super area that is on AGC control, this field value is ignored.

Double-click on the field to toggle its value.

XF Phase

Specifies whether phase shifting transformers in the area are available as controls. If Yes then all transformers in the area which have their Automatic Control Active are available for control; the Automatic Control status for a transformer is set on the Branch Information Dialog. If No then no transformers in the area are available for control.

Branch MVA

Specifies whether or not the MVA limits should be enforced for transmission lines and transformers that have at least one terminal in this area. For a transmission line or transformer to be included, Line/Transformer MVA Limit Enforcement must not be disabled on the OPF Options and Results Dialog, and the individual line/transformer must be enabled for enforcement on the OPF Line/Transformer display.

Interface MW

Specifies whether or not the MW limits should be enforced for interfaces that have at least one element in this area. For an interface to be included, Interface MW Limit Enforcement must not be disabled on the OPF Options and Results Dialog, and the individual interfaces must be enabled for enforcement on the OPF Interface display.

Bus Angle

Specifies whether or not the specified bus angles should be enforced for buses in this area. For a bus to be included, Bus Angle Enforcement must not be disabled on the OPF Options and Results Dialog, and the individual buses must be enabled for enforcement on the OPF Buses display.

Load MW Dispatch

Specifies whether or not the MW load demand in an area should be included as available for re-dispatch during an OPF solution. In order for loads to be included in OPF re-dispatch, each individual load within the area must be available for control, and have either a fixed cost benefit or a piecewise-linear cost benefit curve provided. The option to Disable All Load MW Controls must also not be selected on the OPF Options and Results Dialog.

DC Line MW Control

Specifies whether or not DC line MW setpoints can be modified for DC lines that have at least one terminal in this area. For a DC line to be included, DC Transmission Line MW Controls must not be disabled on the OPF Options and Results Dialog.

Include Marg. Losses

Specifies whether or not marginal losses should be included for the area during the OPF solution.

MW Marg. Cost Ave

For an OPF solved case this field shows the average of the bus MW marginal costs for all the buses in the area. If there is no congestion then all of the marginal costs should be equal.

MW Marg. Cost St.Dev., Min., Max.

For an OPF solved case these fields show the standard deviation of the bus MW marginal costs for all the buses in the area, the minimum and the maximum bus MW marginal costs.

Report Limits

Specifies whether or not the kV limits should be reported. If this is set to NO, all of the other area options described above will be ignored because the area will not be included in any monitoring during the OPF.

Report Min kV, Report Max kV

Specifies the values for minimum and maximum kV levels to report. Defaults are 0 and 9999. This allows further determination of what elements that belong to the area will be included in the OPF enforcement. Only elements with nominal voltages in the specified Min/Max kV range will be included.