OPF Bus Records

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Displays OPF specific information about each bus record with a valid area/zone/owner filter. To show this display select Optimal Power Flow > Results > Buses in the Model Explorer. The OPF Bus Records Display is a class of Case Information Display and therefore can be used in a manner consistent with the other case information displays. Specific formatting options are available from the local menu, which can be accessed by right-clicking on any field in the display. The columns can also be sorted by right-clicking on the heading of the field.


By default the display contains the following fields

Number, Name

Bus’s number, between 1 and 2,147,483,647 (equals 2^31 minus 1), and its alphanumeric identifier.

Area Name

Name of the bus's area.

Specified Angle

If enforcing bus angle constraints, this is the desired angle at this bus in degrees. The angle will only be enforced if the Angle Tolerance is greater than a minimum threshold of 0.001 degrees.

Angle Tolerance

If enforcing bus angle constraints, this is the tolerance at which the Specified Angle will be enforced. The angle will only be enforced if the tolerance is greater than a minimum threshold of 0.001 degrees.

MW Marg. Cost

Marginal change in the objective function for a one MW change in the real power load at the bus.

MVR Marg. Cost

Marginal change in the objective function for a one Mvar change in the reactive load at the bus.

Volt Marg. Cost

Marginal change in the objective function for a 0.01 per unit change in the voltage setpoint for the bus. This field is only valid at bus’s whose terminal voltage is controlled by one or more generators.

Note from the developers – this field is still under construction – do not use it yet.