OPF Interface Records
Displays OPF specific information about the interface records in the case. To show select Optimal Power Flow > Results > Interfaces from the Model Explorer. This display is actually a page of a display showing all the potential inequality constraints in the power system. The top portion of the display repeats the fields shown on the Constraint Options page of the OPF Options and Results dialog.
To view the Interface records click on the Interfaces tab. This displays the interfaces page which is a class of Case Information Display and therefore can be used in a manner consistent with the other case information displays. Specific formatting options are available from the local menu, which can be accessed by right-clicking on any field in the page.
By default the Interface Records page contains the following fields:
Name of the interface.
Specifies whether or not the interface MW limit is enforced in the OPF solution.
Interface MW
The amount of MW flow on the interface.
MW Limit
The interface MW limit.
The amount of MW flow on the interface as a percentage of the limit.
Monitor Direction
The direction on the interface in which the flow is being monitored.
Monitor Both Directions
If set to YES, then the interface flow will be monitored in both directions. Otherwise, it will only be monitored in the Monitor Direction.
MW Marg. Cost $ / MWh
The marginal cost of enforcing the limit on the interface.
Constraint Status
This field will be set to Binding if the interface limit is a binding constraint in the OPF solution, or Unenforceable if the interface limit is unenforceable with the available control set.