Generator Display

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The Generator Display presents data describing each generator in the case. The Generator Display is a class of Case Information Display and therefore can be used in a manner consistent with all other case information displays. It has a local menu from which you can print, copy, and modify its records as well as view the information dialog of its associated generators. The Quick Power Flow List and Bus View Display tools are available for finding more information on the generator’s terminal bus. You can also sort the generator records by clicking on the heading of the field by which you want to sort. Additionally, you can choose to restrict the records shown by the Generator Records Display according to the constraints of the area/zone/owner filters. Finally, you can use the local menu’s Insert and Delete options when the application is in Edit Mode to insert a new generator into the case or to delete an existing generator.

To show the generator records display, select Network > Generators from the Model Explorer.


By default, the generator records display contains the following fields:

Number, Name

Number and name of the bus to which the generator is attached. The display’s local menu offers you the opportunity to view the Quick Power Flow List and the Bus View Display for the bus.


Single character ID used to distinguish multiple generators at the same bus. This default value for this field is ‘1’.


Displays the Open / Closed status of the generator. This field is a toggleable field.

Gen MW, Gen Mvar

The real and reactive power output of the generator. If the generator is on AVR control, the reactive power is set automatically.

Set Volt

Per unit setpoint voltage for the generator. When a generator is on AVR control, the reactive power output of the generator is varied automatically in order to maintain the regulated bus voltage at this value. The regulated bus is usually, but not always, the generator’s terminal bus. Use the Generator Dialog to see the regulated bus number.


Designates whether the generator’s real power output is governed by automatic generation control. If the AGC field is set to Yes, the generator is on automatic generation control (AGC). When a generator is on AGC, its real power output can be varied automatically. Usually the purpose for AGC is to keep the area interchange at a desired value. You can click on this field to toggle its value (except in Viewer). Please see Area Control for more details.


Designates whether the generator will vary its reactive power output to maintain a constant terminal voltage. If the AVR property is set to Yes, the generator is on automatic voltage regulation (AVR) control. When a generator is on AVR control, its reactive power output is varied automatically to keep the regulated bus voltage at the Set Volt value. AVR is limited by the generator’s reactive power limits. You can click on this field to toggle its value (except in Viewer).

Min MW, Max MW

Minimum and maximum allowable real power output of the generator.

Min Mvar, Max Mvar

Minimum and maximum allowable reactive power output of the generator.

Cost Model

The type of cost model the generator is currently set to use. Cost models are necessary for performing economic analysis, such as Economic Dispatch or Optimal Power Flow.

Part. Factor

Generator’s participation factor. Participation factors are used to determine how AGC generators participate in area control when their area is on participation factor control. Please see Area Control for more details.