Pie Charts/Gauges: Lines

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The options listed below are found on the Oneline Display Options dialog on the Pie Charts/Gauges page on the Lines tab.


Pie Chart / Gauge Style

The Pie Chart Style box determines whether the line flow pie charts show the percentage loading of the line based upon the MVA flow, the MW flow, the MVR flow, the line amp/transformer MVA flow, the maximum percentage loading under contingency, or the PTDF value. The Line Gauge Style box has the same setting options as the line flow pie charts.

Always Use Limiting Flow

Typically, the flow at opposite ends of a transmission line is slightly different due to losses across the line. If this option is checked, the pie chart will correspond to limiting MVA value of the line, independent of which end of the line that value occurs. Otherwise, the pie chart will always show the MVA value at the from bus for the line.

Display Gauge Values in Percent

Check this option to display values in the line gauges as percent of loading instead of actual flow values.


Color, Size and Percentage

This section of the options dialog allows you to customize the appearance of the line flow pie charts on the diagram. The default options for the line flow pie charts are set on the MVA tab, and are always in force for at least the MVA pie chart / gauge style. However, you can choose different settings for the other styles by selecting the corresponding tab under the Color, Size and Percentage section. Each of the other five styles can be set to use the same settings as defined for MVA by checking the given option on the page. If this option is unchecked for a particular style, then any pie chart on the diagram of that style type will use the specifically defined appearance options for that style type.

The following parameters are all available on each of the six style tab pages:

Show Value Percent

When a branch's loading exceeds the value specified in the Show Value Percent field, the percentage loading is shown as text within the pie chart. The default is 80%.

Normal Size Scalar, Normal Color

The standard, pre-warning fill color and scaling factor for pie charts.

Use Discrete Map

When this option is checked, the color of the pie chart/gauge will be the colors listed in the Warning/Limit Scalars and Colors when the loading on the line has reached the specified percentage and has not yet met the next higher percentage. If this option is not checked, the color of the pie chart/gauge will be a blend of the colors for the loading range in which the line loading falls, with the color providing an indication of where it falls in the loading range.

Warning / Limit Scalars and Colors

The table in this section allows you to choose different settings for the pie chart size and color, based on the percentage value represented by the pie chart or gauge. Thus you can set up visual clues as to when the flow on lines exceeds specified warning or limit levels. You can add and remove points from this table by right-clicking in the table and using the Insert and Delete options from the popup menu.

To modify the Percent and size Scalar for a record in the table, simply click on the value in the cell and type in a new value. To change the color associated with the percent value, double click in the Color cell to open the Color Chooser dialog.

Make normal color the same as the line to which the pie chart or gauge is anchored (if any)

If checked, this option will cause the pie charts to assume the same normal colors as the transmission lines to which they are anchored. This may be useful if the transmission lines are colored according to their nominal voltage level.

Only Apply Warning/Limit Colors and Resizing to Monitored Elements

If this option is checked, then only those pie charts that correspond to branches selected using the Limit Monitoring Settings will change appearance to reflect warning and limit loading levels. If this option is not checked, then all pie charts will obey the options prescribed in this dialog.


Some additional options are available for pie chart appearance in situations where the line itself is out of service. Clicking on the tab labeled Open Parameters will display these options. You can choose to have special formatting for open devices by checking the available option, and then defining the appearance options for the pie charts on the open lines. The available options include scaling the size, width of the border, border color, pie chart background color, and drawing an "X" symbol through the pie chart.