Interface Information

Concept Link IconSee Also


The Interface Dialog is used to create, modify, or delete interface records in both the Edit and Run Modes. This dialog has the following controls:


Interface Name

An alphanumeric identifier for the interface. Use the dropdown box or the spin button to navigate through the list of existing interface records.

Interface Number

An integer identifier for the interface.

Find Interface…

If you do not know the exact interface name or number you are looking for, you can click this button to open the advanced search engine.

Add New Interface

Click the Add New Interface button to define a new interface from the Interface Dialog. When you click this button, the Interface Name field and Interface Elements table are cleared, requiring you to enter a new name and new elements.

Delete Interface

Select this button to delete the currently displayed interface. Once the interface record has been deleted, the Interface Name field displays the previous interface record, if any. If there are not previously defined interface records, Simulator will close the dialog.

Interface Limits

Specify the possible limits for net interface flow. As for transmission lines and transformers, up to eight distinct limits can be specified for interfaces. Which limit set is used can be controlled from the Limits Tab of the Simulator Options Dialog or the Line and Transformer Limit Violations Display.

Monitoring Direction

This area allows the user to change the flow monitoring direction. Clicking on the interface in the Interface Elements area will bring up the Interface Elements Dialog. This is where the default direction is set. To keep this default direction, choose FROM à TO, to change this direction, choose TO à FROM, and to monitor both directions, choose Both Directions.

Noncontingent MW Flow Contribution

Indicates the present net flow through the interface elements, not including affects of contingencies, in MW.

Contingent MW Flow Contribution

The amount of flow that would be added to the interface flow if the contingency defined with the interface were to occur, in MW.

Total MW Flow

The sum of the non-contingent MW flow and Contingent MW flow, for the total MW flow considered on the interface, in MW.

PTDF Value (%)

The Power Transfer Distribution Factor for the interface, if calculated.


Interface Elements

The Interface Elements Table lists each element comprising the interface. If Simulator is in Run Mode, the table will also show the present flow through each element. To edit or delete an existing element in the table, click on it to bring up the Interface Element Dialog. Use the Interface Element Dialog to modify or delete the element.

Insert New Element

Click the Insert New Element Dialog to add a new element to the interface using the Interface Element Dialog.

Click OK to save any changes you have made and to close the Interface Information Dialog. Click Save to save your changes but to leave the dialog open so that you can view and modify other interface records. Click Cancel to close the dialog without saving your latest change.

Element Identifiers

Choose whether to show the interface descriptions using the interface names, the interface numbers, or a combination of both.



The OPF page will only be visible if you have the Optimal Power Flow add-on for PowerWorld Simulator. This page contains interface information relating to performing an OPF solution.

Enforce Interface Flow Limit

If checked, the Interface limit will be checked for enforcement during an OPF solution.

Treat Limit as Equality Constraint

If checked, the OPF routine will try and maintain the flow on the interface at its limit value. Otherwise the limit will be treated as the maximum for an inequality constraint.

MW Flow on Interface

The actual MW flow on the interface.

Present MW Limit

The currently defined limit for the interface.

Percentage of Limit

The MW flow on the interface as a percentage of the limit.

Limit Marginal Cost

The incremental cost of maintaining the flow on the Interface at its limit value.

MW Flow Constraint

The constraint status of the interface in the OPF solution is shown here with the corresponding boxes checked by Simulator. These boxes can not be changed by the user.