Find Branches that Create Islands
To access the Find Branches that Create Islands, go to the Tools ribbon tab, and choose Connections > Find Branches that Create Islands from the Other Tools ribbon group.
There are several options for selecting which ac lines to process.
Line Processing Options
All ac Lines
All ac lines in the power system model will be processed.
Use Area/Zone/Owner Filter
All ac lines that meet the defined Area/Zone/Owner Filters will be processed.
Select Area/Zone… to display the Area/Zone/Owner Filters dialog.
Use Selected
All ac lines that have the Selected? field set to ‘YES’ will be processed.
Click Select Lines… to display all ac lines and change the Selected? field.
Meets Filter
All ac lines that meet a selected advanced filter will be processed.
Use the drop down box to select a defined advanced filter or click Define Filter to display the Advanced Filters for Branch Dialog. This dialog will allow you to define a new advanced filter for a branch or update an existing filter.
By checking Do not display radial lines creating a single bus island those lines that only island a single bus will not be displayed with the results.
Click Determine Branches to start the processing once all options have been set.
Because the processing of ac lines in a large power system may take some time, there is an Abort button that is enabled once the line processing has started that will stop the processing at any point.
The list of resulting ac lines that create islands will be displayed under Branches that Create Islands. To show the list of buses that are islanded by an outage of any line in the list, select a line and the Islanded Buses list will be populated. Both the Branches that Create Islands list and the Islanded Buses list are case information displays and have the same local menu options and characteristics of other case information displays.