Other Tools Ribbon Group
The Other Tools ribbon group contains basic analysis tools that are normally available in both Run Mode and Edit Mode. The group is shown below.
Limit Monitoring Settings
Opens the Limit Monitoring Settings Dialog.
Difference Case Menu
Difference Case: Opens the Difference Case Dialog
Present Topological Differences From Base: Opens the Present Topological Differences From Base Dialog.
The remaining options in this menu all replicate the same behavior available on the Difference Case Dialog. For more details go to that help topic.
Scale Case
Opens the System Scaling Dialog.
Weather Menu
Added in Version 23
The Weather Menus provide access to the weather-related features including weather dependent limits.
Model Explorer
Opens the Model Explorer giving access to all the case information displays for the model.
Connections Menu
The Connection Menus contains actions related to analyzing the interconnectedness of the network model. These may be considered Graph Theory routines.
Determine Path Distances to Buses: Opens the Determine Patch Distances to Buses Dialog.
Determine Shortest Path Between: Opens the Determine Shortest Path Between Dialog.
Find Radial Bus Paths: Open theFind Radial Bus Paths (Added in Version 23, build on October 4, 2024)
Find Circulating MW or Mvar Flows: Opens the Mvar and MW Flow Cycle Dialog.
Facility Analysis: Open the Facility Analysis Dialog.
Branches that Create Islands: Opens the Branches that Create Islands Dialog.
Set Selected Field for Network Cut: Opens the Set Selected Field for Network Cut Dialog
Set Bus Field From Closest Bus: Opens the Set Bus Field From Closest Bus
Find Parallel AC Branches: Opens the Find Parallel AC Branches
Breaker Isolated Groups: Open the Breaker Isolated Groups dialog.
Other Menu
The Other Menu contains other miscellaneous features.
Governor Power Flow: Opens the Governor Power Flow Dialog.
Set Generator Part. Factors: Opens the Set Generator Participation Factors Dialog
Set Selected Field for Network Cut: Opens the Set Selected Field for Network Cut Dialog
Set Selected From Selection: When a selection is chosen in Edit Mode, click this to set the Selected? field to YES for that selection.
Create new Areas from Islands: When selected, new areas will be created for areas that span multiple electrical islands to help facilitate area interchange control. A new area will be created for the buses of an original area that are not in the main island but are in another island that only contains the original area. This process is temporarily done when the power flow is solved, but the buses return to their original area at the end of the solution. This option will make a permanent change to the case.
Browse PWB File Headers: When selected, Simulator will prompt you to specify a directory containing PWB files for which you wish to preview the header (case description) text. Once the directory has been specified, Simulator will obtain the case description for each PWB file in the directory, and write them all into the Simulator message log.
Real-Time Monitor Definitions: Open a dialog to view, modify, and create real-time monitor definitions. Real-time monitors are only active in Retriever and Trainer, where they can trigger alarms when the monitor conditions are met.
Clear Small Islands: This action identifies the largest island and de-energizes all other islands. The largest island is the island with the most buses. Small islands are de-energized by setting the status of all generators in those islands to open.