Bug Fixes
- Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): The CTGWriteResultsAndOptions parameter for specifying all of the various options is supposed to allow defaults for all options, but if no options are specified at all, i.e. empty brackets, an access violation will occur. This has been fixed.
- File Formats: The following option was not being saved with the PWB file, and is now stored correctly. "Simulator Options > Power Flow Solution > Advanced Options > Require Largest Island Solved for Successful Solution"
- General: Fixed potential error in Finding Parallel AC branches routines when searching using zero-impedance branch groupings.
- General: Fixed "argument out of range" error that could occur when solving the power flow after bypassing a series capacitor by changing the Bypass field.
- Time Step Simulation: Modified scrips so ISO8601 datetimes return errors rather than default values. Added script to clear the TimeStep results and to set the save fields by object.