Features and Improvements
- Contingency Analysis Tool: Added ability to auto-insert single switched shunt outages
- Contingency Analysis Tool: Enhanced the ability to auto insert based on the distance from a particular bus. Previously the measure of distance was always “Number of Nodes”, thus each branch was treated as having the same distance measure. We now allow X, Z, and Length as well. This allows integrated use of the features available from the ConnectionsDetermine Path Distances to Buses on the tools menu of Simulator
- Fault Analysis: Cleaned up ability to auto insert fault analysis to match the power flow contingency auto insert.
- Transient Stability: Added the ability to auto insert Transient Contingency definitions in a manner similar to what is done for Power Flow Contingencies. Presently there are 4 choices described in separate items.
- Transient Stability: Added ability to auto insert contingencies representing single transmission line faults. PowerWorld will automatically add two contingencies that each have three events for each branch chosen. A fault occurs at a user-specified Event Time, and then two events of OpenFrom and OpenTo are applied after a user-specified Event Duration. The two contingencies only differ by the fault location. The user specifies a Fault Location in percentage (value between 0 and 50) and then two contingencies are created with that Fault Location and “100 – Fault Location”. If a Fault Location of 49.5 or higher is specified, then we just make one contingencies with a Fault Location of 50%.
- Transient Stability: Added ability to auto insert contingencies representing single transformer faults. Works the same as for a transmission line, except that the two contingencies created apply a fault at the From Bus and To Bus directly.
- Transient Stability: Added ability to auto insert contingencies representing a single bus fault. PowerWorld will automatically add one contingency that has two events for each bus chosen. A fault occurs at a user-specified Event Time, and the the bus is opened (all lines attached are opened) after a user-specified Event Duration.
- Transient Stability: Added ability to auto insert contingencies representing a single generator outage. PowerWorld will automatically add one contingency that has one event for each generator chosen. The generator will open at a user-specified Event Time.