Features and Improvements
- Case Information Displays: Added fields to store switched shunt summary fields for buses, areas, zones, and substations. This includes the Mvar range and the Mvar percent of range.
- Case Information Displays: Enhanced the StringGrid Column Plot to provide more flexibility.
- Contingency Analysis Tool: On the CTGComboResults object, modified to make the following fields enterable which then pass the enter to the appropriate Contingency or ContingencyPrimary object: CTGPRI_Skip, CTG_Skip, CTGPRI_CustomInteger, CTGPRI_CustomFloat, CTGPRI_CustomString, CTG_CustomInteger, CTG_CustomFloat, CTG_CustomString
- Oneline Diagrams: Added a new oneline display object for a Background Triangle.
- Oneline Diagrams: Made the option when importing a KML File to add the Points as Ellipse, Squares or Triangles.
- Time Step Simulation: Added warning messages in the log when specifying to store PWBs to a directory that does not exist.
- Time Step Simulation: Added ability to do DeleteColumns from the right to the left column. This can be faster for some case information displays.
- Time Step Simulation: Added option in Time Step Simulation to initialize load values from the current power flow case.
- User Interface Dialogs: Clicking on the Modify Transformer Parameters button will now open the three winding transformer dialog if the transformer is part of a three winding equivalent.
- User Interface Dialogs: When plotting generator reactive capability curves there is now a footnote at the bottom if AVRAble or Use Capability Curve are false. There is also a note if what is drawn is a default curve and not one that has been explicitly defined.
- Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): For 3-winding transformers there was a misspelling in the variable name for
3WXFMagnetizingG and 3WXFMagnetizingG which were spelled
3WXFMagetizingG and 3WXFMagetizingG instead (notice missing n).
These misspelling were fixed in Version 22, but Version 22 will also read the old misspelled variable names. In Version 21 the misspelling was left, but patches of Version 21 after this date will also read the correct spelling so AUX files written in Version 22 can be read in Version 21. - Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): When loading an AUX file or editing a case information display the 3WXFormer fields for RegBusNumSec and RegBusNumTer, the setting of regulated bus number was not being processed correctly. This has been fixed.
- Contingency Analysis: The contingency solution option to "Dynamically add/remove slack buses as topology is changed (Allow Multiple Islands)" CANNOT be set to allow multiple islands if it has previously been set to not allow multiple islands. This will be enforced when the contingency specific solution options are applied.
- Distributed Computation: Fixed an issue with distributed transient stability where transferring large result files could cause distributed transient stability to crash or hang.
- QV Curve Tool: The QV solution option to "Dynamically add/remove slack buses as topology is changed (Allow Multiple Islands)" CANNOT be set to allow multiple islands if it has previously been set to not allow multiple islands. This will be enforced when the QV specific solution options are applied.
- Time Step Simulation: Fixed a bug that could sometimes occurring when inserting new time points.
- Transient Stability: modified the CHATGY model to not accept a DC Auxiliary Controller input. This model has the parameters for a CHAAUT as part of it so accepting a different Auxiliary Controller was not appropriate.